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International Studies & Modern Languages
Department Chair: Dr. Yao-Yuan Yeh
The Department of International Studies & Modern Languages (ISML) at the University of St. Thomas is a multidisciplinary program providing quality education to the next generation of global leaders. The Department offers four major programs, including International Studies, International Development, Global Cybersecurity, and Spanish, along with East Asia Studies and Latin American Studies minors and its own graduate program, Master in Diplomacy & Strategic Affairs.
Degrees and Certificates
BA in International Studies & MA in Diplomacy & Strategic Affairs (MDSA), Bachelor of Arts & Master of Arts -
Cybersecurity Policy Management, Graduate Certificate -
Diplomacy & Strategic Affairs, Master of Arts in Diplomacy and Strategic Affairs -
East Asia Studies, Minor -
Global Cybersecurity, Bachelor of Arts -
Global Cybersecurity, Minor -
International Development, Bachelor of Arts -
International Studies, Bachelor of Arts -
International Studies, Minor -
Irish Studies, Minor -
Latin American Studies, Minor -
Political Science, Bachelor of Arts -
Political Science, Minor -
Pre-Law, Minor -
Public Policy and Administration, Master of Public Policy and Administration -
Spanish, Bachelor of Arts -
Spanish, Minor
GCSE 1351: Introduction to Enterprise Cybersecurity
GCSE 3101: Computer Systems and Network Security Architecture
GCSE 3102: Network Operations and Data Security Lab
GCSE 3301: Computer Systems and Network Security Architecture
GCSE 3302: Network Operations and Data Security
GCSE 4091V: Internship in Global Cybersecurity
GCSE 4092V: Directed Reading/Independent Study in Global Cybersecurity
GCSE 4093V: Special Topics in Global Cybersecurity
GCSE 4301: Governing the Digital Ecosystem – Technology and Geopolitics
GCSE 4302: Cyber Ethics and the State
GCSE 4302: Cyber Ethics and the State
GCSE 4303: Geopolitical and Country Risk Analysis
GCSE 4379: Cyber Warfare
GCSE 4392: Independent Study
GCSE 4393: Special Topics in Global Cybersecurity
GCSE 4399: Capstone Project in Global Cybersecurity
GCSE 5301: Cybersecurity Program Fundamentals
GCSE 5302: The Regulatory Compliance and Legal Landscape of Cybersecurity
GCSE 5303: Organizational Resilience and Incident Response
GCSE 5304: Managing Cybersecurity Operations
GCSE 5305: Program Development and Executive Reporting
GEOG 2332: World Regional Geography
GEOG 3333: Urban Geography
GEOG 4192: Directed Reading/Independent Study in Geography
GEOG 4193: Special Topics in Geography
GEOG 4292: Directed Reading/Independent Study in Geography
GEOG 4293: Special Topics in Geography
GEOG 4330: Geography of Natural Resources
GEOG 4392: Directed Reading/Independent Study in Geography
GEOG 4393: Special Topics in Geography
GEOG 4492: Directed Reading/Independent Study in Geography
GEOG 4493: Special Topics in Geography
INST 1351: Introduction to International Studies
INST 2352: Research Methods in Int' Stud
INST 3343: Latin America Since Independence
INST 3351: Comparative Political Systems
INST 3352: International Politics
INST 3354: International Political Economy
INST 3355: Intercultural Issues
INST 3357: Regional Study of Europe
INST 3359: Regional Study of Latin America
INST 3360: Regional Study of East Asia
INST 3363: Regional Study of North Africa and the Middle East
INST 3370: Politics Economics and Society
INST 4099: Senior Thesis (Continuation)
INST 4191: Internship in International Studies
INST 4192: Directed Reading/Independent Study in International Studies
INST 4193: Special Topics in International Studies
INST 4291: Internship in International Studies
INST 4292: Directed Reading/Independent Study in International Studies
INST 4293: Special Topics in International Studies
INST 4351: Latin American Economic Development
INST 4358: Contemporary Mexico
INST 4359: Latin America Cultures: Diversity, Paradoxes and Transformation
INST 4360: Perspectives on Modern China
INST 4361: Global Energy
INST 4362: Globalization and Gender Issues
INST 4364: International Law
INST 4365: Development and Democracy
INST 4366: International Security
INST 4367: U. S. Security Policy and Strategy
INST 4368: International Projects: Structuring and Development
INST 4369: Seminar in International Development Studies
INST 4370: Global Health
INST 4371: International Human Rights
INST 4374: Seminar in Middle East Studies
INST 4375: Contemporary Brazil
INST 4376: Contemporary Taiwan
INST 4377: Government-Business Relations in the Developing World
INST 4378: Seminar in Social Entrepreneurship
INST 4379: Cyber Warfare
INST 4380: Global Conflict Resolution
INST 4381: International Security in East Asia
INST 4391: Internship in International Studies
INST 4392: Directed Reading/Independent Study in International Studies
INST 4393: Special Topics in International Studies
INST 4398: Senior Thesis in International Studies
INST 4399: Senior Thesis in International Studies II
INST 4491: Internship in International Studies
INST 4492: Directed Reading/Independent Study in International Studies
INST 4493: Special Topics in International Studies
INST 4591: Internship in International Studies
INST 4691: Internship in International Studies
LALS 4391: Latin American and Latino Studies Internship
LALS 4392: Directed Reading/Independent Study in Latin American and Latino Studies Program (LALS)
LALS 4393: Special Topics in Latin American and Latino Studies
LALS 4399: Senior Research in Latin American and Latino Studies
MDSA 4370: Global Health
MDSA 5301: Introduction to Diplomacy and Strategic Policy
MDSA 5302: Analytics in Strategic Affairs
MDSA 5303: Advanced Seminar in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies
MDSA 5351: Comparative Political Systems
MDSA 5352: International Politics
MDSA 5354: International Political Economy
MDSA 5355: Intercultural Issues
MDSA 5357: Regional Study of Europe
MDSA 5359: Regional Study of Latin America
MDSA 5360: Regional Study of East Asia
MDSA 5363: Regional Study of North Africa and the Middle East
MDSA 5366: The American Foreign Policy Process
MDSA 6351: Latin American Economic Development
MDSA 6358: Contemporary Mexico
MDSA 6359: Latin America Cultures: Diversity, Paradoxes and Transformation
MDSA 6360: Perspectives on Modern China
MDSA 6361: Global Energy
MDSA 6364: International Law
MDSA 6366: International Security
MDSA 6369: Seminar in International Development Studies
MDSA 6371: International Human Rights
MDSA 6374: Seminar in Middle East Studies
MDSA 6376: Contemporary Taiwan
MDSA 6377: Government-Business Relations in the Developing World
MDSA 6379: Cyber Warfare
MDSA 6381: International Security in East Asia
MDSA 6391: Internship in MDSA
MDSA 6392: Directed Reading/Independent Study in MDSA
MDSA 6393: Special Topics in Diplomacy and Strategic Studies
MDSA 6399: Capstone Project
MPPA 5301: Economic Analysis for Public Policy
MPPA 5302: Decision Making for Public Policy
MPPA 5303: Public Leadership: Principles, Practices, and Realities
MPPA 5304: Comparative Public Policy and Administration
MPPA 5305: U.S. Energy Policy
MPPA 5306: U.S. Health Policy
MPPA 5307: U.S. Environmental Policy
MPPA 5308: Government Regulation
MPPA 5309: U.S. Science and Technology Policy
MPPA 5310: Policy Development and Implementation
MPPA 5311: Program Evaluation in Public Management
MPPA 5312: Strategic Planning
MPPA 5313: Urban and Regional Planning
MPPA 5314: State and Local Government Administration
MPPA 5315: Current Issues in Public Policy and Administration
MPPA 5316: Federalism and Public Policy
MPPA 5317: Social Justice and Public Policy
MPPA 5320: Sustainable Energy and Environmental Policy and Administration
MPPA 5354: Emergency Management
MPPA 5372: Public Personnel Administration
MPPA 5373: Public Administration Ethics
MPPA 5374: Public Organizations: Theory and Behavior
MPPA 5376: Public Budgeting & Finance
MPPA 5391: Internship in Public Policy and Administration
MPPA 5392: Directed Readings: Professional Paper
MPPA 5398: Master Thesis I
MPPA 5399: Master Thesis II
MPPA 6393: Special Topics
MPPA 6992: Independent Study
POSC 2331: American Federal Government
POSC 2332: Texas State and Local Government
POSC 3300: Methods in Social Research
POSC 3301: Statistics for the Social Sciences
POSC 3304: The Marshall Court
POSC 3305: Comparative Legal Systems: Civil Law (Roman Law) and the Common Law
POSC 3318: Administrative Law
POSC 3321: Immigration Law and Policy
POSC 3327: Introduction to American Jurisprudence
POSC 3332: Urban Government & Politics
POSC 3333: Law and Society
POSC 3334: Campaigns and Elections
POSC 3335: Interest Groups, Political Parties, and Political Participation
POSC 3337: Politics and the Media
POSC 3342: Judicial Process
POSC 3350: U.S. Congress
POSC 3351: Comparative Political Systems
An overview of the world's political cultures, systems, behavior, and institutions. The objective is to develop a background with which to assess and explain differences in political culture, governmental structures, and political behavior and to appreciate the effects these factors have on international relations.