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Clinical Mental Health Counsel


CMHC 5337: Research and Program Evaluation

This course is designed to introduce quantitative and qualitative research designs, methods, and data analysis techniques in counseling. It also introduces students to the use of research to support evidence-based practice and strategies to design and conduct program evaluation. Topics include ethical issues in research, construction and evaluation of measurement tools, critical analysis of research methods and evidence-based counseling practices, use and interpretation of descriptive and inferential statistics, analysis and synthesis of qualitative data, outcome measures, needs assessments and program evaluation methods.
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CMHC 5340: Introduction to Play Therapy

through the process of counseling. The content of the course introduces a distinct group of interventions including play and communication skills as integral components of the therapeutic process. A major focus of the course involves instructional and experiential opportunities for the student counselor to develop skills that provide children with appropriate developmental materials and facilitate a safe relationship for the child to express models that can be applied to elementary age children. This course provides an overview of the essential elements and principles of play therapy, including history, theories, modalities, techniques, applications, and skills. Further, an experiential component focuses on basic play therapy skill development within the context of ethical and diversity-sensitive practice. It also includes assessment and techniques for working with children and adolescents in personal and family systems along with parent/guardian involvement interventions.
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CMHC 5341: Moral Psychology & Counseling

This course explores how the insights from moral psychology inform counseling. Topics include cultural differences, developmental models, evolutionary theory of morality, and ethical decision-making. The course focuses on the role that moral emotions and reasoning play in client behavior and experience.
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CMHC 5342: Pre/Adolescent Counseling Techniques

This course will prepare counselors to work with pre/adolescents ages 12-21 and develop effective counseling strategies. The course will utilize class discussions, peer group work, lecture, demonstration, videotaped materials, and interactive/experiential activities. Topics explored will include trauma, grief, sexuality, substance abuse and legal and ethical issues in working with minors. In this course, the student should begin to integrate all their previous course learning in preparation for applying that learning for working with adolescents in a variety of settings.
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CMHC 5345: Trauma: A Holistic Perspective

This course provides students with an understanding of the personal and systemic impact of trauma-causing events on individuals, couples, families, and communities. Students will learn specialized response models that encompass sensory-kinesthetic, perceptual, emotional, cognitive, social-relational, and spiritual dimensions of experience, with a focus on body- and brain-based approaches to treatment. Also included in this class is the exploration of the counselor’s response to trauma and vicarious traumatization. The instructor uses a life-span developmental holistic perspective in presenting the course material.
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CMHC 6300: Human Diversity

Study of cultural patterns, including multiple dimensions of difference. Theories of multicultural counseling, identity development and social justice. Counselors’ roles in eliminating oppression and promoting dignity of all persons.
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CMHC 6340: Internship I

Supervised counseling experience of 200 or more hours, including 80 or more hours of direct service to clients. Individual and group supervision of counseling work.
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