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Philosophy is the science which by the natural light of reason studies the first causes or highest principles of all things. It is in other words, the science of things in their first causes in so far as these belong to the natural order. Philosophy on the level of natural reason, like theology on the level of supernatural faith, pursues answers to the deepest questions concerning reality and the meaning of life. As St. Thomas Aquinas argued, faith and reason cannot ultimately be in conflict; and any apparent conflict is the result of faulty understanding on one side or the other. While all major philosophers are studied at the University of St. Thomas, the philosophy of St. Thomas provides the unifying viewpoint. Pope John Paul II explained that “Thomas Aquinas possessed supremely the courage of the truth, a freedom of spirit in confronting new problems, the intellectual honesty of those who allow Christianity to be contaminated neither by secular philosophy nor by a prejudiced rejection of it. He passed therefore into the history of Christian thought as a pioneer of the new path of philosophy and universal culture.” Fides et Ratio #43
Degrees and Certificates
Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts -
Philosophy, PhD in Philosophy -
Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts & Master of Arts -
Philosophy, Master of Arts -
Philosophy, Minor -
Theology and Philosophy, Master of Arts