For the specific requirements of the PhD Comprehensive Examination and the PhD Dissertation, please see the following pages:
Students Entering without an M.A.
A passing grade on the M.A. Latin Exam and the MA Written & Oral Comprehensive Exams.
Ten 3hr courses, including the CTS core:
Philosophy Elective Courses
Complete 4 additional graduate philosophy courses.
PHIL 5359: If the student does not pass the M.A. Latin Exam upon entrance [3 hrs. of credit-by-examination]
PHIL 5340: Students may also register for PHIL 5603 MA Comprehensive Exam Preparation Course In order to maintain full-time status.
M.A. is awarded after completion of these requirements. Progression to Ph.D. studies is dependent upon review by the faculty.
Year 3
18 hours of additional courses, including:
Year 4
Students may register for PHIL 5605 in their 4th semester of studies if they have completed 30 hrs. They should register in PHIL 5606 in all subsequent semesters until their dissertation topic has been approved.
- Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam
- Ph.D. Latin exam
- Additional language exam (Student must pass an exam in French or German. Another language may be substituted at the discretion of the Director of the Center if the student's dissertation work warrants it.)
- Ph.D. proposal oral exam
Years 5-9
PHIL 6100 is repeated up to six times. PHIL 6600 is repeated until the dissertation is completed, defended, and deposited.
Students Entering with an M.A.
Years 1&2
Ten 3hr courses including these elements of the CTS core:
PHIL 5359: If the student does not pass the M.A. Latin Exam upon entrance [3 hrs. of credit-by-examination]
Year 3
Students may register for PHIL 5605 in their 4th semester of studies if they have completed 30 hrs. They should register in PHIL 5606 in all subsequent semesters until their dissertation topic has been approved.
- Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam
- Ph.D. Latin exam
- Additional language exam (Student must pass an exam in French or German. Another language may be substituted at the discretion of the Director of the Center if the student's dissertation work warrants it.)
- Ph.D. proposal oral exam
Years 4-8
PHIL 6100 is repeated up to six times. PHIL 6600 is repeated until the dissertation is completed, defended, and deposited.