
Irish Studies

Center for Irish Studies Contact: Lori Meghan Gallagher, J.D., irishstudies@stthom.edu; gallagl@stthom.edu

Irish Studies is an interdisciplinary program of courses focused on Irish and Northern Irish history, politics, law, literature, theology, music, art history, drama, heritage and culture, contemporary life and the Irish American Experience. The Northern Ireland Peace Process, explored through courses on campus and in study abroad programs, serves as a model for peace around the world. Faculty members in Irish Studies as well as other disciplines teach these courses. As part of the University’s liberal arts curriculum, Irish Studies courses prepare students for post–graduate employment in Irish Studies, law, business, the social sciences, teaching and the international diplomatic corp. Many students choose to pursue post–graduate study in Irish Studies or one of these other fields. Irish Studies students develop an understanding of diverse cultural, political, historical, socio–economic, legal and other factors affecting our world today.

Irish Studies Required Courses


  • IRST/ENGL upper division Irish literature from among elective list below or new offerings
  • IRST/HIST upper division Irish history from among elective list below or new offerings
  • An additional upper division course from elective list below or new offerings
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits