Center for Irish Studies

Director: Lori Meghan Gallagher, J.D.,;

Assistant Director: Dr. Martin Lockerd,


The William J. Flynn Center for Irish Studies is one of the University’s most active Centers for Excellence. Building on the international dimension of the University’s educational mission, the Center affirms the historic and contemporary connections among Ireland, Northern Ireland, the Irish American community and the University.

The University offers a minor and a graduate concentration in the Master’s in Liberal Arts program in Irish Studies. Through support from the Irish Government, the Center promotes and preserves Irish heritage and culture. The Irish Studies Program curriculum enhances the University’s study abroad opportunities.

In partnership with the University’s Study Abroad and International Studies Programs, the Center offers opportunities for study in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The University also invites foreign exchange students to the University from Northern Irish universities and colleges. The Center facilitates study abroad scholarships and research to enhance and serve the intellectual life of the University and the community.

Through the Center’s Cultural Outreach Series, during the academic year leading scholars from Ireland, Northern Ireland, and around the world speak to students and members of the broader Houston community on a wide range of issues. Irish and Irish American storytellers, musicians, songwriters and other performance artists complete the diverse cultural offerings.