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Department Chair: Dr. Michael Richardson,

A major in music performance or music education provides a comprehensive background in music theory, music history and performance. The vast majority of the department’s offerings emphasize Western music with performance concentrations in vocal and instrumental music.

Students who major in these programs will achieve a thorough grasp of academic knowledge about music; will be able to demonstrate their research, writing and performing ability through a variety of tests, concerts and recitals; and will be prepared for further education and for employment in the field of music. Those students who complete the music education program will be able to pass the Texas Education Agency mandated examinations for teachers.

A minor in music provides a structured program for students following other major programs. The program also serves as one of the bases of the University’s interdisciplinary fine and performing arts offerings.

The department also offers academic and applied studies for non–majors. It maintains an active recital series for the University and community.

Degrees and Certificates


MSM 5201: Research Methodology and Bibliography

The Bibliography course is usually taken during the first year of study and is taught by the music librarian. It introduces students to the resources necessary to do research in music courses.

MSM 5300: Sacred Music Seminar I

Masses, Passions and Requiems. An historical survey of Western sacred vocal repertoire, from Gregorian chant to the development of polyphony in Masses, Passions and Requiems by composers such as Leonin and Perotin, Shutz, Bach and Mozart.

MSM 5302: Children's Choirs

Techniques for working with children singing in choirs. Including a survey of children's liturgical music literature. Home-schooled students may often be used as a resource.

MSM 5303: Chant

A study and practice of chant. An historical survey of Gregorian chant and its place in the liturgy. Latin chant and chant in other languages.

MSM 5305: Theory Seminar

This is a synthesis course in which students will need to apply Music Theory Knowledge to analyze, criticize, compose and arrange music works.

MSM 5307: Sacred Music Seminar II

An examination of the beginnings of Church hymnody, the Western sacred vocal repertoire of French and Italian composers of the Romantic period, and British and American 20th and 21st century sacred music, including the African-American spiritual and Gospel repertoire.

MSM 5311: Diction

A study of English, Latin, French, German, Italian and Spanish pronunciation. Presenting texts through music that are comprehensible for the worshiper.

MSM 5312: Conducting

The director's role in presenting liturgical choral music, including rehearsal techniques, diction, balance, phrasing, interpretation and working with instruments.

MSM 5313: Anatomy and Function of the Singing Voice

Techniques for singing as a soloist/cantor and the role of the voice in a choral setting. The student should have at least two semesters of previous collegiate-level private studio voice study for success in this course. A pianist/organist should have two semesters of voice lessons as a prerequisite and is required to accompany a student singer during several voice lessons. Students will be required to teach a short sequence of lessons to a non-major student, and demonstrate teaching for the class.

MSM 5320: Liturgy I

The Roman calendar, liturgical year, 3-year cycle of readings, the role of music in liturgy, liturgy of the mass.

MSM 5321: Liturgy II

Other forms of liturgy including liturgy of the hours, weddings, funerals and ordinations, role of cantors, chant, singing of psalms, hymnody, and documents of the Church.

MSM 5330: Practicum

1) MSM students will be invited to two or three larger Houston-area parishes with thriving amateur choral programs for adults and children to observe rehearsals and liturgies directed by professional church musicians. 2) MSM students will be mentored by musicians who have worked in the field and better understand how clergy and church musicians collaborate to prepare meaningful and thoughtful music appropriate for the liturgical year. They will accomplish this by attending worship committee and/or liturgy planning meetings; by learning fundamentals of administration, including planning, finances and budgeting; by developing procedures for forming a choir and engaging the congregation in the musical life of the church. 3) MSM students will write a paper on a topic related to observations made. 4) The MSM student will be required to plan and conduct or accompany a mass with appropriate liturgical music in the Chapel of St. Basil on the UST campus, with the permission of the clergy of the Chapel. 5) It is strongly suggested that the student sing with the RC Diocesan Choir as well as being more fully connected to the larger diocesan community. In the Houston area there often are opportunities also to sing larger oratorio and mass settings with an orchestra.

MSM 5392: Independent Study

Student research on a selected problem in the field pursued under the guidance of an assigned member of the faculty.

MSM 6293: Special Topics

Graduate level treatment of selected topics of mutual interest to the faculty member and students.

MSM 6393: Special Topics

Graduate level treatment of selected topics of mutual interest to the faculty member and students.

MUSC 1033: Concert Attendance

The Music Department offers a wide variety of musical programs and lectures by faculty, students and guests. Attendance at 10 of these offerings, or at similar Houston-area events, is required of all Music majors each fall and spring semesters. P/F

MUSC 1105: Jazz Ensemble

Repertoire emphasizes current and historical trends in jazz music. Open to all members of the University community with permission of faculty member.

MUSC 1106: University Singers

A group of singers who perform music of many styles and periods. Open to all members of the University community with permission of faculty member.

MUSC 1107: Chamber Music Ensemble

Performance of instrumental duos, trios, quartets, etc., from the classic period to the present. Open to all members of the University community with permission of faculty member.

MUSC 1108: Wind Ensemble

An ensemble of wind, brass and percussion instruments that performs music from the 18th century to the present. Open to all members of the University community with permission of faculty member.

MUSC 1109: Opera & Musical Theater Workshop

This workshop is designed for students to explore and perform a varied repertoire from opera and musical theater in fully-staged productions. Open to all members of the University community with permission of the music director.

MUSC 1111: Percussion Ensemble

An ensemble of percussion instruments that performs music of various styles. Open to all members of the University community with permission of music director.

MUSC 1120: Orchestra

An ensemble of strings, winds and percussion that performs music from the Baroque period to the present. Open to all members of the University community with permission of the music director.

MUSC 1331: Introduction to Music

An appreciation and understanding of music through study of its basic elements, aesthetics and role in society. Listening assignments and concert attendance required. Open to all students.

MUSC 2340: The Story of Theatre I

A basic introduction to the major developments in the theater from antiquity to the restoration. This course will explore the people, the places and the performances in which the human story has come to life on the stage. Play attendance and practical projects are among requirements of this course. (Odd fall) No prerequisite

MUSC 2463: Music Theory I

An accelerated introductory course covering the elements of music, melody, harmony, terms, rules and aural memorization.

MUSC 3105: Jazz Ensemble

Repertoire emphasizes current and historical trends in jazz music. Open to all members of the University community with permission of the music director.

MUSC 3106: University Singers

A group of singers who perform music of many styles and periods. Open to all members of the University community with permission of the music director.

MUSC 3107: Chamber Music Ensemble

Performance of instrumental duos, trios, quartets, etc., from the classic period to the present. Open to all members of the University community with permission of the faculty member.

MUSC 3108: Wind Ensemble

An ensemble of wind, brass and percussion instruments that performs music from the 18th century to the present. Open to all members of the University community with permission of the music director.

MUSC 3109: Opera & Musical Theater Workshop

The workshop is designed for students to explore and perform a varied repertoire from opera and musical theater in fully-staged productions. Open to all members of the University community with permission of the music director.

MUSC 3120: Orchestra

An ensemble of strings, winds and percussion that performs music from the Baroque period to the present. Open to all members of the University community with permission of the music director.

MUSC 3141: Classical Music

A survey of Western music from 1750 to 1800: Music of the Enlightenment including opera, the development of the sonata, symphony and concerto, music of Haydn and Mozart. Prerequisite: MUSC 3342

MUSC 3220: Diction

This course will emphasize pronunciation in singing in Italian, German, French and English.

MUSC 3221: Piano Literature

Study of keyboard literature from the Baroque period to the present as well as the history of piano performance.

MUSC 3231: Materials and Curriculum: Wind/Brass/Percussion

Methodologies, philosophies, materials, technologies, and curriculum development for stringed music. For practicum experience, the student will be assigned to work under a mentor teacher to learn about the day-to-day responsibilities and requirements of the music teacher.

MUSC 3233: Materials and Curriculum: Stringed Instruments

Methodologies, philosophies, materials, technologies, and curriculum development for stringed music. For practicum experience, the student will be assigned to work under a mentor teacher to learn about the day-to-day responsibilities and requirements of the music teacher.

MUSC 3236: Piano Pedagogy

The teaching of piano in private and school settings. Emphasis on music resources for piano teachers. Prerequisite: permission of faculty member.

MUSC 3238: Materials and Curriculum: Vocal/Choral

Materials and Curriculum: Methodologies, philosophies, materials, technologies, and curriculum development for vocal and choral music. For practicum experience, the student will be assigned to work under a mentor teacher to learn about the day-to-day responsibilities and requirements of the music teacher.

MUSC 3241: Medieval Music

A survey of early Western music through the 14th Century: Pre-Christian roots, Roman liturgy and chant, early polyphony and secular music. Prerequisite: MUSC 3341

MUSC 3242: Renaissance Music

A survey of Western music of the 15th and 16th Centuries: English and Continental composers, the Reformation, madrigal and rise of instrumental music. Prereq: MUSC 3341

MUSC 3243: Baroque Music

A survey of Western music from 1600-1750: the development of opera, sacred music and instrumental genres up to the death of J.S. Bach. Prereq: MUSC 3341

MUSC 3333: Form and Analysis

The structure of music from its smallest motival elements through larger complete movement forms; simple and compound song forms, rondo, sonata, dance forms, techniques of variation, fugue and canon. Prerequisites: MUSC 3164, 3364.

MUSC 3334: Basic Conducting

Basic Conducting is an introductory course that emphasizes on basic patterns of conducting, baton technique, left hand technique, non-verbal communication, terminology, transpositions, score reading and leadership. Prerequisites: MUSC 3364 and MUSC 3164

MUSC 3335: Orchestral Conducting

This course is an introduction to basic conducting skills with an emphasis on baton technique, left hand technique, non-verbal communication, leadership, conducting terminology, transpositions and score reading. Co-requisites: MUSC 3364, 3164. Permission of faculty member.

MUSC 3336: Choral Conducting

Study of the director’s role relative to choral music, including rehearsal techniques, auditions, tone, balance, diction, phrasing and interpretation. Practical experience in rehearsing choral, ensemble. Selection of appropriate literature. Prerequisites: MUSC 3364, 3164. Permission of faculty member.

MUSC 3337: Counterpoint

A study of two–, three– and four–part contrapuntal compositions in the style of 18th century composers. Writing of exercises of two and three and four parts, culminating in composing three–part inventions. Prerequisites: MUSC 3164, 3364.

MUSC 3351: Art Song

A historical survey of the art song, Leider, chanson and vocal chamber music repertoire from the Baroque period to the present.

MUSC 3375: Orchestration

This course will cover the fundamentals of writing and/or arranging for different types of performing groups, including vocal and instrumental ensembles.

MUSC 4132: Workshops

Short–term (one or two weeks, usually in summer) intensive study (morning, afternoon, evening) of limited scope. Master classes, lecture demonstrations, etc. Fees vary with the event.

MUSC 4191: Internship in Music

Practicum or on–the–job experience under the guidance of practicing specialists in the music field. To be supervised individually by a department faculty member with the approval of the program chair.

MUSC 4232: Workshops

Short-term (one or two weeks, usually in summer) intensive study (morning, afternoon, evening) of limited scope. Master classes, lecture demonstrations, etc. Fees vary with the event.

MUSC 4291: Internship in Music

Practicum or on–the–job experience under the guidance of practicing specialists in the music field. To be supervised individually by a department faculty member with the approval of the program chair.

MUSC 4391: Internship in Music

Practicum or on–the–job experience under the guidance of practicing specialists in the music field. To be supervised individually by a department faculty member with the approval of the program chair.