CHEM 4361: Physical Chemistry I

Course Department
Credits 3.0
Course ID
Course Component

Covers thermodynamics and kinetics from a molecular perspective. Major topics include atomic and molecular degrees of freedom, gases, statistical mechanics, macroscopic thermodynamics, and kinetics. An emphasis is placed on understanding the assumptions that go into first principle derivations and how those assumptions can break down in practical application. Main application areas are molecular spectroscopy, expansion/compression of gases, thermodynamic cycles, chemical equilibrium, pure and mixed phase behavior, and dynamics of chemical reactions. The language of calculus is used throughout.


CHEM 4361 Prerequisites: CHEM 3333/3133; MATH 1432; PHYS 1332/1112 or PHYS 2333/2334. Corequisite: CHEM 4161.

Semester Offered
Course Component