

YLPP 6205: Pastoral Theology

This course covers practical and theological topics for future pastors, including current resources, major pastoral challenges, boundaries and special settings such as prisons and hospitals. Topics to be covered include: Historical development of pastoral theology, Theological Criteria for Pastoral Planning, Dimensions of Pastoral Planning, Elements of Pastoral Counseling/Reconciliation, Pastoral Sensitivity in Ministry, The Effects of Joy in Ministry, Forming Missionary Disciples, Challenges in Pastoral Ministry.

YLPP 8307: Ecumenism & Missiology

Ecumenism & Missiology is an integrative capstone course. The study of the Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism, and the Church's developing doctrine within the guiding concept of communio in current ecumenical dialogue will be treated. The missiology portion of this course will consider the Church’s mission, its purpose and implementation, based upon the key and relevant ecclesial documents including the new evangelization. As a capstone component, relevant content from previous courses will be interwoven with a view toward synthesis and practical application.