

YLPL 5302: Introduction to Liturgy

This course is an introduction to the study of the Church’s public worship. This course will provide an historical overview of the development of liturgical practice, as well as the study of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy and other post conciliar documents. In addition, liturgical spirituality and an overview of the structure of the liturgy of the Eucharist will be explored in depth.

YLPL 5304: Sacraments of Initiation

This course is an introduction to the sacraments beginning with the study of symbol and the principles of sacramental theology. Particular attention will be given to the role of Christian initiation in the life of the Church. Theologies of baptism, confirmation and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults will be thoroughly examined with emphasis upon their catechetical implications for pastoral practice.

YLPL 8301: Eucharist

This course presents an historical survey of Eucharistic worship in the Church from the New Testament to the present. The course will focus upon Eucharistic theology, with an emphasis on the concepts of presence and sacrifice. In addition, key documents of the inter-denominational dialogues concerning the Eucharist will be examined. The structures and texts of the present Roman rite, particularly the Eucharistic prayers, will receive major attention.