The colors of the University of St. Thomas are red and gold. On the seal, the golden cross of our faith symbolizes the divinity of Christ the King, while the background of red is for the humanity of Christ.
The dove and rayonnant sun in the first quarter are symbols of St. Thomas Aquinas. In the second quarter, the star is for the “Lone Star State” and for the Mother of Christ under the title “Star of the Sea.” The hyacinth in the third quarter reminds us of San Jacinto, the river and battlefield near Houston where Texas won its independence. The second dove in the last quarter is the symbol of St. Basil, patron of the Basilian Fathers, who founded the University of St. Thomas.
Thereby, on the shield, St. Thomas and St. Basil, Doctors of the Western and Eastern churches, respectively, represent the universality of the Church. The motto, “Crescamus in Christo,” reminds us that as we advance in knowledge and wisdom, we should also grow in love and service of Christ.