Undergraduate Transfer Credit (A.04.04)


All undergraduate students.


To allow the consideration of transfer credit from regionally accredited colleges/universities.


The University accepts undergraduate transfer credits from other regionally accredited colleges or universities (Potential transfer credits from non-regionally accredited colleges and universities is covered under UST Policy A.02.14: Transfer Credits from Non-regionally Accredited Colleges/Universities.).

Bachelor Programs

No course with a grade lower than “C” (2.0 GPA) is accepted for transfer. Transferred course work will not be calculated in determining the grade point average at UST.

Credit hours will be considered as lower– or upper–division according to their level at the institution at which they were earned. Credit hours earned at two–year colleges will always be treated as lower–division credit hours.

No more than 90 transferred credit hours may be applied toward a bachelor’s degree from the University of St. Thomas. The number of credit hours accepted in transfer from two–year colleges will not exceed 72. The evaluation of transferable credits and courses is normally completed by the time of initial registration. Credit will be transferred only based on official transcripts from the originating institution. Current students wishing to transfer in new coursework from another institution must submit a Transfer of Credit Approval for Current Students form with department chair approval. Students must take the last 36 credit hours in residence unless the Academic Committee grants an exception. The Petition Form is available from the Office of the Registrar.

The Registrar’s Office assigns the appropriate UST equivalencies/credits typically based on the Texas Common Course Numbering. If questions arise about a subject area, course description, etc., the Registrar’s Office will check the course description/syllabi and/or contact the appropriate UST academic chair/director. Transferable courses will not necessarily apply toward the requirements for a degree or major. A student transferring into a new program should consult with an academic advisor, or the department chair if pursuing a second bachelor's degree, to develop a detailed degree plan outlining the courses and requirements that remain to be completed for the degree.

Associate Programs

No course with a grade lower than “C” (2.0 GPA) is accepted for transfer. Transferred course work will not be calculated in determining the grade point average at UST. Technical courses must have been completed in the last five years to be considered for transfer.

Credit will be transferred only based on official transcripts from the originating institution. The maximum number of credit hours that may be applied toward an associate degree differs by program. This information is available to students in the catalog.

The evaluation of transferable credits and courses is normally completed during initial registration. To transfer credit from previous coursework, newly admitted students should request a course transfer to the Department Chair. The Department Chair will determine which courses will be transferred and submit the Transfer Credit Form to the Registrar’s office. If the courses were taken at the University of St. Thomas, the Substitution Waiver Form will be used to indicate credits and courses for transfer. Transfer credits will be reflected in the student's Degree Plan.

In some cases, the Department Chair may request that the student send the course description or syllabus for a course that was previously completed to determine equivalency for transfer.

Transferable courses will not necessarily apply toward the requirements for a degree. A student transferring into a new program should consult with an academic advisor or the department chair to develop a detailed degree plan outlining the courses and requirements that remain to be completed for the degree.

Transfer Through Articulation Agreements

The University of St. Thomas has articulation agreements with sister universities that grant transfer credit for certain courses. These agreements are developed by the academic department overseeing the relevant programs, the Assistant Vice President of International Relations & Engagement, the Registrar’s Office, and the Sister University.

Amendments to Policy

Amendments to these rules may be proposed by Deans or Chairs as needed following best practices in their respective academic fields. These amendments are sent to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for final review and approval.


APPROVED: Dr. Richard Ludwick
Date of Original Formation: 04/05/2024
Revision Number:
Revision Date:
Effective Date: 12/20/2024