Bachelor Degrees

Core Curriculum: 60-90 Credits of Transfer

Academic Department

This core sequence is for students who have transfer credit and Credit by Examination totaling 60-90 credit hours based on first semester enrolling at UST. Transfer Courses/test credit do not substitute for courses in the core, instead they determine which core pathway a student is taking, count towards the overall credits necessary to graduate and may count for specific courses in a major or minor. Enrollment begins with courses in section 1, but a student may start courses in section 2 or 3 as long as at least one course in section 1 is enrolled. Specific pre-requisites are listed next to the courses.

The Humanities in Western Civilization

Should be completed by the end of the third year at UST. May be started during the first year.

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Sub-Total Credits

The Order and Unity of the World

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Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits