YPF-Pastoral Field Education


YPF 4101: Educational Ministry I

Participation in catechetical ministry through teaching & observation, to understand catechesis in relation to presbyteral ministry. Dialogue sessions with peers

YPF 6101: Educational Ministry I

These courses reflect a supervised on-site parish catechetical ministry assignment. This experience is designed to offer the student an understanding of catechesis in relation to presbyteral ministry. The experience includes assignment as a catechist and includes theological reflection sessions with peers. (Ordination track MDiv only)

YPF 6102: Educational Ministry II

These courses reflect a supervised on-site parish catechetical ministry assignment. This experience is designed to offer the student an understanding of catechesis in relation to presbyterial ministry. The experience includes assignment as a catechist and includes theological reflection sessions with peers. (Ordination track MDiv only.)

YPF 6603: Supervised Pastoral Internship I

These courses reflect a two-semester long (nine month) parochial assignment within the student’s diocese. This assignment will include orientation, supervision, contracting, site experience, theological reflection, evaluation, and debriefing. (Ordination track MDiv only)

YPF 6604: Clinical Pastoral Education

Students may undertake supervised Clinical Pastoral Education in a hospital setting. One unit of CPE, which can be done in a summer format or an extended yearly format, will earn six hours of credit.

YPF 6605: Supervised Pastoral Internship II

These courses reflect a two-semester long (nine month) parochial assignment within the student’s diocese. This assignment will include orientation, supervision, contracting, site experience, theological reflection, evaluation, and debriefing. (Ordination track MDiv only)

YPF 6606: Diaconal Pastoral Internship

The student, while resident in parish, will study the diocesan documents governing the administration of parishes. In consultation with the pastor and parish bookkeeper or business manager, be apprised of the parish embodiment of the document. The student will write a case-study highlighting strengths, possible areas for growth, and potential changes which could enhance the administration of the parish.

YPF 6607: Clinical Pastoral Internship

Supervised Clinical Pastoral Internship: This course introduces the Master of Divinity student to the basic elements of pastoral care, pastoral sensitivity, grief, challenges in pastoral ministry, the use of self in ministry and the development of pastoral authority and identity.

YPF 8102: Supervised Diaconal Pastoral Internship II

This course explores the dynamics of the relationship between pastor and people and the essential realities of the function and identity of the priest. The course explores the pastor's role and the engagement of the lay faithful to exercise, with him the administration of the local parish community.

YPF 8103: Supervised Diaconal Pastoral Internship Ill

This course continues the exploration of the dynamics of the relationship between pastor and people and the practical function and identity of the priest. Expanding the focus on the pastor's role within the community, students examine the particularities of pastoral ministry in the parish and present to the class a profile of pastoral leadership in this community

YPF 8606: Supervised Diaconal Summer Pastoral Internship

The student, while resident in parish, will study the diocesan documents governing the administration of parishes. In consultation with the pastor and parish bookkeeper and/or business manager, he will be apprised of the parish embodiment of the documents. Student will write a case-study highlighting strengths, possible areas for growth, and potential changes which could enhance the operation of the parish.