

MLPSY 5337: Abnormal Psychology

A study of past and present conceptions of abnormality, the dynamics underlying normal and abnormal behavior and an examination of the key classification systems utilized in understanding abnormal behavior. Issues related to etiology, the nature of development and symptoms of abnormal behavior are reviewed. Fall.

MLPSY 5341: Theories of Personality

Consists of the study and evaluation of theories of personality. Psychoanalytic, behavioral, existential and humanistic theories will be studied. Emphasis is placed on the structure and dynamics of human behavior and empirical findings related to theories.

MLPSY 5351: Industrial Organization Psychology

Explores the psychology of organizations, with applications in business and industry, and is rooted in research methodology and theories of scientific psychology. Topics include the nature, design and development of organizations; personnel psychology, with an emphasis on psychological testing; motivation; decision-making; leadership; and conflict within the organization. Spring.

MLPSY 5352: Health Psychology

The course is designed to introduce the students to the growing field of health psychology. Students will learn how to apply psychological theories and techniques to research on how factors influence health and how psychosocial interventions can improve physical health and/or increase the quality of life.

MLPSY 6191: Internship in Psychology`

A one–semester internship related to the student’s special interest and preparation in undergraduate psychology with academic and field supervision. Seniors in good academic standing may apply. Prerequisites: senior status and screening by psychology faculty committee.

MLPSY 6337: Counseling and Psychotherapy

An introduction to the theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, including psychoanalysis, ego therapies, behavior therapy, family therapy and humanistic/existential therapy.

MLPSY 6342: Psychology of Adolescent

The study of the physical, psychological and social development of the adolescent, from approximately age 13 to young adulthood. Course includes family and peer influences on development; self and identity development; adolescent psychopathology, sexuality and cognition; schools and workplaces as contexts for socialization.

MLPSY 6391: Internship in Psychology

A one-semester internship related to the student’s special interest and preparation in undergraduate psychology with academic and field supervision. Seniors in good academic standing may apply.

MLPSY 6393: Special Topics

Topics will be selected on the basis of current issues in contemporary psychology and on the basis of faculty research and scholarly interests. Topics will be announced in the semester course bulletins. Recent topics include Psychology of Women, Psychology and Politics, Organizational Development, and Psychology of Creativity.

MLPSY 6440: Psychometrics

This course reviews principles of psychological test construction, administration, evaluation and interpretation. The student will be exposed to measurement theory, ethical standards, reliability, validity, item analysis and standardization. Students will be introduced to psychological testing of intelligence, personality and psychopathology. Laboratory activities will provide hands-on experience with the measurement of a psychological construct.