Student Organizations and Activities (Ugrd)

Office of Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities, located on the first floor of Crooker Center, oversees all club activity on campus, in addition to advising and collaborating with Executive Student Organizations. In addition to coordinating events and student enrichment activities throughout the year, the Office organizes leadership initiatives such as the Centralized Leadership Process and Leadership Summit, as well as hosts campus wide events including Family Weekend, Deck the Mall, Commuter Appreciation Day, Celts’ Day of Service, and the end-of-semester Late Night Breakfasts.

Executive Student Organizations

(The ESO Leadership Office is located in the Student Activities Suite, on the First Floor of Crooker Center)

  • Camus Activities Board (CAB) ( - Responsible for planning events and entertainment activities on campus. The goal of CAB is to enhance the student experience by building community and student engagement. CAB organizes events such as Neewollah (UST’s annual Halloween bash), Welcome Back BINGO, Celts Got Talent, Geaux Celts Crawfish Boil, Spring Formal and more. CAB provides opportunities for involvement on campus. Apply to be a CAB intern today!
  • Campus Community ( - Coordinates activities for under-represented student populations on campus through both large-scale events and small programs. Their events enhance the cultural experience for all students with activities celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, Women’s History Month, Black History Month, Lunar New Year, First Generation Students, among many others.
  • Campus Initiatives ( - Coordinates sustainability efforts on campus, leads student activities to increase school spirit, and creates and executes various other University wide initiatives. Events hosted by this group include tailgates, recycling Fridays, and volunteer opportunities that are open to all students.
  • Student Body President ( - Serves as the chief executive officer of the Executive Student Organizations, which is made up of Senate, Campus Activities Board, Campus Community, Campus Initiatives, and Treasury. The Student Body President is charged with hosting public forums, cultivating awareness of student needs and concerns to administration, and promoting and supporting student events and activities.
  • Student Government ( - Represents the opinions of the undergraduate student body and provides a channel for communication between the student body and the greater University community. It also provides a forum for the expression of student views and interests. Meetings are held in the COC room on the second floor of Crooker Center. All students are invited and welcome to attend Senate meetings.
  • Treasury ( - Responsible for the allocations of student activity fee funds to the various ESOs, student organizations, and student groups.
  • Registered Student Organization (RSO) ( - An independent student organization created for the purpose of fostering intra- and inter- club interests. It is comprised of designated representatives from each student club and organization. The RSO encourages and supports the creation of new student clubs on campus and promotes club interaction, club development and student participation in academics and social activities. It provides student clubs the support necessary for the coordination and fulfillment of their constitutional objectives. The RSO office is located on the first floor of Crooker Center, in the Student Activities Suite. Refer to see a complete list of Registered Student Organizations.
  • Club Sports Association (CSA) ( - Oversees the various recreational sport clubs, intramurals and recreational trips on campus. The CSA Leadership Team assists in the planning, scheduling, and promotion of practices and competitions within the CSA. The CSA Leadership can be found on the first floor of the Jerabeck Activity and Athletic Complex (JAAC). Refer to to see a complete list of active Club Sports.

Student Publications

  • The Celt Independent - The University of St. Thomas online newspaper, The Celt Independent (, is student–funded and student–run, and operates as a journalism practicum within UST's Communication department. Editors and columnists are selected from among the department's most experienced student writers, but all UST students are welcome to submit newsworthy story ideas and drafts. Students interested in joining the Independent staff are encouraged to contact the editor at; attend the newspaper's weekly assignment meetings in the Communication department newsroom; or take UST's News Writing and Reporting class. From the Independent's mission statement: "We commit to accurate, transparent and objective journalism according to the highest professional standards of the industry as outlined in the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists. We believe democracy requires a free and independent press, and that knowledge enables informed decisions. Our mission is to seek the truth and report campus-related news to the UST community for the common good."
  • Laurels - The literary magazine of the UST English Department. Student–funded and student–run, Laurels provides opportunities for student writers, illustrators, and photographers to publish their works. Each semester, Laurels publishes poems, plays, short fiction, and imaginative essays. For more information, email
  • Thoroughfare - A a magazine produced by the UST English Department. The magazine focuses on feature articles, written about issues or places in and around the University of St. Thomas campus. Thoroughfare provides an opportunity for students to learn magazine layout, publishing, advertising and article acquisition. Contact Dr. Janet Lowery,, for information.

Departmental Organizations

  • Accounting Society – The purpose of the Accounting Society, established by the faculty and the students of the Accounting Department, is to provide advice, instruction and information to its membership. Through its membership, it acts as a liaison among its members, the accounting faculty and the personnel within the accounting profession.
  • American Chemical Society (ACS) – The objectives are to provide opportunities for students in chemical science to become better acquainted, to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, to obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences, and to foster a professional spirit among members.
  • Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA) – is the premier business organization for expanding opportunities for Latino Leadership in the Global Market. ALPFA is the largest Latino Association for business professionals and students with chapters nationwide and over 16,000 members. ALPFA is dedicated to enhancing opportunities for Latinos and building leadership and career skills. ALPFA is a non–profit entity registered with the Internal Revenue Service. Membership is open to anyone who shares out values vision, and mission.
  • Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE) – The purpose of this association is to interest young men and women in the profession of teaching, to provide members with opportunities for developing personally and professionally, and for gaining an understanding of the history, ethics, and programs of the organized teaching profession. The group also promotes activities, services, and training for educators while developing and maintaining high standards of professional ethics.
  • Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society – Tri Beta Honor Society functions to stimulate interest while investigating biological studies for students in the life sciences.
  • Bilingual Education Student Organization (BESO) – BESO’s main objective is to share information and resources among students and faculty members interested or involved in bilingual/bi–cultural education. It also serves as a resource for its members by creating professional development opportunities for them. The group has a strong tie to the School of Education on campus.
  • Business Latin American Association (BLA) – is an organization created in 2014 to connect the UST–CSB community with the professional world to develop the Houston– based professional community interested in US– Latin America commercial relations, by offering programs of value such as professional networking and education.
  • Chi Rho – An academic club for anyone at UST interested in Catholic theology. The purpose of the club is toprovide an opportunity to discuss theological topics, to gain exposure to career opportunities for theology majors and minors, to provide theology graduate school information, to foster Catholic tradition and heritage, and to participate in events pertaining to this field of study.
  • Criminology, Law, Society Club – This club supports those interested in studying in the Criminology, Law & Society Department. It assists with those seeking internships and career opportunities.
  • Finance Consortium – Committed to ensuring student are well informed in their decision to pursue a career in finance counseling, tutoring and internship help will be given to any member who requires assistance. Seeks to enhance the overall educational experience through supplemental workshops, book scholarship award and book of the month program. Networking and social endeavors aim to provide an avenue for current students to connect to ever–growing alumni base, and create a network with their current peers.
  • Finance Society – The Finance Society is a club open to anyone who is interested. The club is meant to create an interactive culture within the business majors where one can discuss academics, develop leadership, and be guided in the right direction throughout their academic career at UST.
  • French Club – Known first as “Le Cercle Francais,” it is an organization available to all students of French courses and promotes cultural and intellectual activities in French. This organization will provide academic services as well as nonacademic activities to students.
  • International Studies Society (ISS) – This society, headquartered at the Center for International Studies, was formed in the fall of 1984 to promote greater awareness of international issues throughout the University community. Membership is open to all interested parties, with automatic membership given to international studies majors. Main functions include fund–raising for the internship and scholarship programs, providing awareness of international events, stimulating interest and participation in student conferences, and sponsoring various other activities within the community.
  • Laurels Laurels is a student–produced literary magazine that provides opportunities for writers, illustrators and photographers to have their work published. The magazine appears twice yearly, in fall and spring issues. It is sponsored by the English Department.
  • Math Club – This group is for math majors and those interested in math problems and projects.
  • Model UN Club – This group operates under the Center for International Studies. Campus delegates represent UST at Model UN competitions. Competition topics include those topics faced by current world leaders such as poverty, terrorism and global warming.
  • UST Chapter of the National Student Nurses’ Association (NSNA) – The goal of the club is to support pre–nursing and nursing students as they strive to perform services regarding health and charity within the UST and outside community. The club also promotes health awareness issues.
  • Pre–Health Professions Society – This organization wishes to create a more competitive and informed pre–health professions student and to provide that student with a support network in a cooperative environment.
  • Psi Chi Club – Membership in the Psychology Club is open to all students interested in psychology. Activities have included workshops on applying to graduate school, lectures by prominent professional psychologists, talks by UST alumni presently in graduate programs, presentations of original research findings, and various community service activities. The senior banquet and induction reception are notable social events.
  • Irish Club – This group promotes the Irish culture and language via support from the Center for Irish Studies. St. Patrick’s Day is the highlight event that this organization participates in. Additional programs are held throughout the year.
  • Spanish Club – This club’s purpose is to enliven the interest in the Spanish language and Hispanic culture. Activities include enrichment opportunities such as sponsoring or attending lectures and films and visiting museums concerned with language or culture. All students are invited to participate, even those not currently studying Spanish, regardless of their level of ability.
  • Pi Sigma Alpha – The purpose of Pi Sigma Alpha is to represent the needs and interests of students enrolled in political science, undergraduate students, administration, faculty, and other members of the community as well as outside organizations interested in political science. Additionally, Pi Sigma Alpha stimulates and facilitates communication and interaction with the UST community and the surrounding community in Houston.

Honor Societies 

  • Alpha Psi Omega – Drama Honor Society – The Drama Program sponsors the Alpha Alpha Beta Chapter of the national Drama Honor Society, Alpha Psi Omega. Membership for Alpha Psi Omega is by invitation and is dependent on the quality and diversity of the individual’s achievement in Drama Program activities.
  • Alpha Sigma Lambda – A nationally recognized honor society for adult students in higher education, this group recognizes the special accomplishments of adults who achieve academic excellence while facing competing interests of home and work. Students 25 years of age or older who have completed at least 30 credit hours at the University (full–or part–time) with at least a 3.30 cumulative GPA are invited to membership in the University’s Theta Zeta chapter.
  • Alpha Tau Omicron Omega – Catholic Studies Honor Society – Promotes and recognizes scholarship, service, and integration of faith with professional preparation. The Honor Society inducts undergraduate and graduate students who have completed four courses in Catholic Studies (at least one core course; others may be cross–listed through other departments). Students who hold a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.20, with a 3.30 in Catholic Studies courses are invited to apply. Normally undergraduate students are juniors or seniors in good standing. The Society serves at The Archbishop Miller Lecture Series and sponsors two other activities each year. It sponsors Candlelight Stations of the Cross on the Academic Mall during Lent and co–sponsors the Living Rosary in October with Campus Ministry. The annual Christmas Party, Spring Luncheon and St. Joseph Day Induction service highlight their social engagements. Honor cords are the papal colors (yellow and white); all members wear a designated pin.
  • Aquinas Honor Society – Membership in this society is open to graduating seniors whose cumulative GPA is 3.00 or better and whose semester average is 3.30 for at least five semesters of full–time study at the University. Candidates are inducted and are awarded keys at the annual Honors Convocation in the spring.
  • Aquinas Leadership Service Association – ALSA is an honorary student organization that offers service and leadership to the University. It attempts to assist the administration, faculty and staff in any way requested. Annual activities include hosting a faculty appreciation day luncheon in the fall, assisting as hosts at graduation exercises, escorting VIPs to the University, assisting at University meetings, participating in recruiting and admission efforts and helping with fundraising activities. Membership is open to all University students with at least 30 credit hours and a 3.25 GPA. New members are nominated by the faculty and are chosen by ALSA members. Initiation of new members takes place in October. ALSA members may be identified by their distinctive dress, a blue blazer withan ALSA patch or pin.
  • Beta Beta Beta – Tri Beta is the national Biological Honor society. Founded in 1922, it recognizes outstanding academic achievement in all areas of biology. Regular membership is open to students who have successfully completed three college biology classes and maintain a minimum biology GPA of 3.20 and an overall GPAof 3.00. Associate membership is available for those who do not fulfill regular membership requirements. The University of St. Thomas’ Nu Beta chapter was inducted into the national society in the fall of 1998. The chapter sponsors several functions each semester, including a speaker series and community volunteer opportunities. Candidates are inducted into the chapter in the fall.
  • Beta Alpha Psi – Founded in the Spring of 2015. The primary objective of BAP is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the business information field. Including promoting and practicing the study of accounting, finance and information systems.
  • Beta Gamma Sigma – Beta Gamma Sigma is the honor society for the students enrolled in the business and management programs accredited by AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)
  • Delta Epsilon Sigma – The Beta Omega Chapter of the National Catholic Honor Society elects to membership in the senior year the top 10 percent of the graduating class who have earned a minimum 3.50 GPA at the University, selected from those who have a record of outstanding academic accomplishment and who have helped to foster intellectual activities and show promise of becoming leaders because of the scope of their accomplishments. A limited number of students with at least a 3.80 GPA at the University may be admitted in their junior year. A minimum of 60 credit hours earned at the University is required for membership.
  • Epsilon Delta – The Mathematics Department sponsors the Epsilon Delta Honor Society to recognize outstanding achievement by undergraduates in the study of mathematics. The society promotes an appreciation of the power and beauty of mathematics as well as its importance in the development of Western civilization. Membership is by invitation of the faculty.
  • Kappa Delta Pi – This is an international honor society in education, represented on campus by Pi Lambda Chapter. Membership is by invitation only to outstanding senior–level and graduate students in education. The society recognizes excellence in education through a program of speakers, scholarships and awards.
  • Lambda Pi Eta – The National Communication Honor Society members have completed 60 undergraduate credit hours, achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.00, and completed 12 credit hours in communication courses with a minimum GPA of 3.25.
  • Mu Phi Epsilon – UST’s international professional music fraternity is represented by the Gamma Tau Chapter. Membership includes faculty and music majors or minors who have been selected on the basis of scholarship and musicianship. The fraternity promotes the advancement of music in America and throughout the world. The Student Music Society is open to all students with an interest in music. The society’s activities include attendance at concerts and member performances at UST and in the community.
  • Omicron Delta Epsilon – Omicron Delta Epsilon, one of the world’s largest academic honor societies. Founded at UST in 1966 for recognizing the scholastic attainment and the honoring of outstanding achievements in economics.
  • Pi Delta Phi – National French Honor Society is represented on campus by the Gamma Eta Chapter. Advanced French students with “B” or better grades in French and a “B” (2.80) average in all other studies are nominated to this society and are eligible for national scholarships. The students also must rank in the upper 35 percent of their class. The chapter welcomes beginning students of French as associate members who form le Cercle Français. It provides an informal opportunity for students to practice French language skills regularly outside the classroom setting. All students are invited to participate, even those not currently studying French, regardless of their level of ability.
  • Phi Alpha Theta – The History Department sponsors the Upsilon Gamma Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta, theInternational History Honor Society. It promotes the study of history by encouraging research, teaching, publication and the exchange of ideas. Students who complete 12 credit hours in history and maintain a “B” average are eligible for membership.
  • Phi Sigma Alpha – The purpose of Pi Sigma Alpha is to represent the needs and interests of students enrolled in political science, the undergraduate student body of the University of St. Thomas, administration, faculty, and other members of the community as well as outside organizations interested in political science. Additionally, Pi Sigma Alpha stimulates and facilitates communication and interaction with the UST community and the surrounding community in Houston.
  • Phi Sigma Tau – The Philosophy Honor Society is represented on campus by the Texas Epsilon Chapter. This society’s purpose is to recognize and foster excellence in philosophy and to supplement classroom study of philosophy with outside activities such as discussions, talks and tours. The society also publishes undergraduate essays in its semi– annual periodical, “Dialogue.” To be invited to membership in the International Society, a student must ordinarily have completed at least three philosophy courses with superior grades and maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00.
  • Psi Chi – Psychology Honor Society – Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purpose of encouraging, stimulating and maintaining scholarship in the science of psychology, is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association. Its two major goals are to recognize academic scholarship and to nurture the creative spark of scholarship and research through discussions, lectures by eminent psychologists and promoting undergraduate research. Membership in Psi Chi requires successful completion of 9 credit hours in psychology at UST and a GPA of 3.00 overall and in psychology courses.
  • Sigma Tau Delta – English Honor Society – Membership in the National English Honor Society chapter is open to all English majors and minors who have completed 12 credit hours of English with a GPA of at least 3.00 and who are in the top 35 percent of their class. Initiated members promise to foster the reading and study of literature in their own lives and those of other people.
  • Sigma Iota Rho – Established in 1994, it is the international studies honor society on campus. The purpose of this organization is to promote and reward scholarship and service among students and practitioners of international studies, international relations and global studies and to foster integrity and creative performance in the conduct of world affairs. Membership, by invitation only, is open to outstanding junior– and senior– level students.
  • Sigma Theta Tau – UST Honor Society of Nursing – The University of St. Thomas Honor Society of Nursing (USTHSON) is an organization that recognizes excellence and promotes professional development of our nursing students. The society’s mission and vision is to honor nursing leaders who are committed to improving health worldwide. The Society supports the goal of the University of St. Thomas Carol and Odis Peavy School of Nursing to prepare highly qualified nurses, who practice nursing as a professional discipline with a standard of excellence in holistic healing. The Honor Society of Nursing at UST was first established in June 2014 and held its first induction of 23 nursing students and 10 faculty members and community leaders. To be eligible for UST–HSN, students must be enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing program; complete 50 percent of the nursing courses maintain at least a 3.0 GPA, is in the top 35 percent of the class at the time of selection, and demonstrate personal integrity and character. The students must also be invited to join USTHSON.
  • Theta Alpha Kappa – The Theology Department sponsors a chapter of the Theology Honor Society, Theta Alpha Kappa. It encourages the study of the various branches of theology by promoting discussion, research and publication. Membership is open to all interested students who have completed three semesters of study at the University with an overall GPA of 3.00 and a minimum of four courses in theology with a GPA of 3.50 in those courses.
  • Theta Omega – This chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, a National Hispanic Honor Society, elects to membership those students whose entire academic achievement has been outstanding. The objective of the chapter is to stimulate the students’ interest in the cultural and intellectual features of the community and of the Hispanic world.