School of Theology
Mission Statement
The University of St Thomas School of Theology is dedicated to providing outstanding theological education in the Roman Catholic tradition. We are committed to preparing qualified ministerial leaders to serve a culturally diverse community of faith and a changing world. History of the School of Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary The School of Theology and the Center for Pastoral Studies are located on the campus of St. Mary’s Seminary, 9845 Memorial Drive, Houston, Texas. St. Mary’s Seminary was established in 1901by Bishop Nicholas Gallagher in La Porte, Texas and moved to its current location in 1954. The School of Theology was established in 1968 when the theology department of St. Mary’s Seminary became part of the University of St. Thomas. Set within the residential Memorial area of suburban Houston, the Seminary spans approximately fifty acres replete with natural beauty. Candidates for the diocesan priesthood reside at St. Mary’s Seminary as they progress through an extensive program of priestly formation. Lay students pursuing theological degrees, including those leading to ordination to the permanent diaconate and for service as lay ecclesial ministers, commute to the campus for their studies. The Bishop Nold Educational Center, completed in 2001, houses the academic classrooms, a lounge, a multi-media auditorium, and administrative offices.
St. Mary’s Seminary
St. Mary’s Seminary is a theologate that exists for the personal, spiritual, academic and pastoral formation of men preparing for ordination to the Roman Catholic priesthood. St. Mary’s enables ordination candidates to grow in holiness and develop into pastoral leaders who will serve the Church as priests after satisfactorily demonstrating their competence and willingness for effective ministry. The Seminary promotes the full, integral personal growth of each student and emphasizes the development of skills in collaborative ministry. Students who are candidates for the diocesan priesthood reside at St. Mary’s Seminary and are involved in an extensive program of priestly formation. This spiritual formation program is coordinated with the academic and pastoral education provided by the School of Theology and is based on the Program of Priestly Formation of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The specific purpose of the seminary formation program is to foster the human and spiritual maturity of the candidates as they grow in their relationship with the person of Jesus Christ and in their desire to serve the People of God in their local diocese.
Center for Pastoral Studies
The Center for Pastoral Studies is designed to academically and pastorally prepare a student for a leadership role in the Catholic Church. It offers a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies Program (MAPS), which is designed to help develop the academic and pastoral skills necessary for professional service in church ministries.
The Diaconate Program
The UST School of Theology at St. Mary’s Seminary is committed to providing the solid academic formation necessary for excellence in ministry. Part of this commitment is lived out in diaconal formation for the state of Texas. The USTST diaconal program is in full conformity with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The academic portion of the Diaconate Program is under the umbrella of the School of Theology’s Center for Pastoral Studies.
The Cardinal Beran Library at St. Mary’s Seminary
Located on the campus of St. Mary’s Seminary, and owned by the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, the Cardinal Beran Library is the principal theological resource for the School of Theology. The Cardinal Beran Library building was blessed by His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Beran, Archbishop of Prague, April 17, 1966.
The cornerstone reads: The lips of the priest are to keep knowledge, and instruction is to be sought from his mouth, because he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts. - Malachi 2:7
Fall & Spring Hours
- Monday - Wednesday 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
- Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
- Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Sunday 12:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Summer Hours
Summer hours will begin on May 13th.
- Monday - Thursday 8:30-7:00
- Friday 8:30-5:00
- Saturday and Sunday Closed
It is best to check with the librarians for specific hours during breaks.
Students and faculty of USTST have full access to the Doherty Library and campus resources located on the University of St. Thomas Main Campus. Although the two libraries have separate automation systems, users on both campuses have access to holdings of each.
Degrees and Certificates
Divinity: Non-Ordination Track, Master of Divinity -
Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies, Master of Arts -
Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies: LAY MAPS, Master of Arts -
Master of Divinity: Ordination Track, Master of Divinity -
Pastoral Theology, Undergraduate Certificate
CG 5302: Pentateuch
CG 5304: Foundations of the Catholic Faith
CG 5305: Moral Theology
CG 5307: Sacraments in Parish Life
CG 5310: Church History
CG 5311: Theology and Themes of Old Testament
CG 5312: Patrology
CG 5315: Gospels
CG 5317: Introduction to Liturgy
CG 5319: Prophets & Writings
CG 5320: Foundational Theology
CG 5322: Trinity and Incarnation
CG 5323: Anthropology/Eschatology
CG 5324: Mission of the Church
CG 5327: Sacraments I & II
CG 6310: Paul & His Letters
CG 8302: Directed Reading: Scripture
CG 8303: Directed Reading: Church History
CG 8304: Directed Reading: Sacraments
CG 8305: Directed Reading: Systematic Theology
CG 8306: Directed Reading: Pastoral Theology
CG 8310: Directed Reading: Spirituality & Culture
CU 1201: Introduction to Sacred Scripture
CU 1202: Christian Faith I (CCC)
CU 1203: Historical Books of the Old Testament
CU 1204: Christian Faith II (VaticanII)
CU 1205: Monarchy-Exile: Prophets & Kings
CU 1207: Old Testament Wisdom
CU 1208: Introduction to Philosophy
CU 2122: Ecumenism & Interfaith Dialogue
CU 2202: Prophets
CU 2204: Pauline Letters
CU 2205: Church History
CU 2206: Fundamental Theology
CU 2207: Introduction to Church
CU 2208: Doctrine of God
CU 2209: Christology
CU 2210: Christian Anthropology-Eschatology
Capstone course explores the human person in light of Christian revelation; as created in the image of God, fall through original sin, restored in Christ through grace; and, the doctrines of justification, good works (human cooperation), and merit in the history of theology. This course also explores the destiny of the human person according to the doctrine of Christian eschatology with a view towards the hope of eternal union with God.
CU 2212: Contemporary Moral Issues
CU 2213: Sacraments I
CU 2214: Synoptic Gospels
An introduction to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) which focuses on the text of each of these gospels in their own historical, literary and pastoral contexts. Attention is given to the origin and growth of each gospel within early Christianity, their message and theology, including similarities and distinctive emphases that make each effective in enlivening the faith of their own particular communities.
CU 2215: Sacraments II
CU 2217: Sacraments I & II
CU 2222: Covenant & Kingdom: Genesis to Kings
CU 2223: Introduction to Liturgy
CU 2224: Johannine Literature
CU 2225: Anthropology
CU 2226: Eschatology
CU 2227: Christology & Doctrine of God
CU 2228: Moral Theology/Contemporary Issues
CU 2311: Introduction to the Liturgical Year
CU 3112: Presidential Leadership & Homiletics II
CU 3122: Sacramental Celebrations
CU 4100: Directed Reading
YBAL 1301: Introduction to Biblical Greek I
YBAL 1302: Introduction to Biblical Greek II
YBAL 1303: Introduction to Biblical Hebrew I
YBAL 1304: Introduction to Biblical Hebrew II
YBAL 4307: Ecclesiastical Latin I
YBAL 4308: Ecclesiastical Latin II
YHS 4302: Church History I
YHS 5302: Church History I
YHS 5303: Church History II
YHS 6304: Patristics
YHS 6305: American Catholicism
YLHS 5302: Church History I
YLHS 5303: Church History II
YLHS 6304: Patristics
YLHS 6305: American Catholicism
YLPC 6201: Introduction to Canon Law
YLPC 6301: Introduction to Canon Law
YLPC 7201: Introduction to Canon Law
YLPC 7302: Canon Law of Marriage
YLPC 8101: Marriage Annulity
YLPC 8102: Temporal Goods
YLPC 8202: Canon Law: The Teaching & Sanctifying Role of the Church
YLPC 8301: Sacramental Canon Law
YLPC 9301: Declarations of Nullity
YLPH 6202: Introduction to Homiletics
YLPL 5302: Introduction to Liturgy
YLPL 5304: Sacraments of Initiation
YLPL 8301: Eucharist
YLPP 6205: Pastoral Theology
YLPP 8307: Ecumenism & Missiology
Ecumenism & Missiology is an integrative capstone course. The study of the Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism, and the Church's developing doctrine within the guiding concept of communio in current ecumenical dialogue will be treated. The missiology portion of this course will consider the Church’s mission, its purpose and implementation, based upon the key and relevant ecclesial documents including the new evangelization. As a capstone component, relevant content from previous courses will be interwoven with a view toward synthesis and practical application.