Pastoral Theology
CU 1202: Christian Faith I (CCC)
CU 1203: Historical Books of the Old Testament
CU 1204: Christian Faith II (VaticanII)
CU 1205: Monarchy-Exile: Prophets & Kings
CU 1207: Old Testament Wisdom
CU 1208: Introduction to Philosophy
CU 2122: Ecumenism & Interfaith Dialogue
CU 2202: Prophets
CU 2204: Pauline Letters
CU 2205: Church History
CU 2206: Fundamental Theology
CU 2207: Introduction to Church
CU 2208: Doctrine of God
CU 2209: Christology
CU 2210: Christian Anthropology-Eschatology
Capstone course explores the human person in light of Christian revelation; as created in the image of God, fall through original sin, restored in Christ through grace; and, the doctrines of justification, good works (human cooperation), and merit in the history of theology. This course also explores the destiny of the human person according to the doctrine of Christian eschatology with a view towards the hope of eternal union with God.
CU 2212: Contemporary Moral Issues
CU 2213: Sacraments I
CU 2214: Synoptic Gospels
An introduction to the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) which focuses on the text of each of these gospels in their own historical, literary and pastoral contexts. Attention is given to the origin and growth of each gospel within early Christianity, their message and theology, including similarities and distinctive emphases that make each effective in enlivening the faith of their own particular communities.