School of Education and Human Services Undergraduate Teacher Education

Dean: Ana-Lisa Gonzalez,

Associate Dean of the Graduate Programs: Lachandra Landry,

  • Teacher Education
  • Bilingual Education
  • Multidisciplinary Education
  • Reading Education
  • Special Education
  • Criminology, Law, and Society

Undergraduate Programs in Education

The undergraduate education programs are designed to develop classroom teachers who demonstrate the ability to be effective with today’s student population in a variety of field settings, both private and public.

Undergraduate teacher preparation programs are available in General and Bilingual Education with certification levels of Early Childhood through grade 6 (with concentrations in Bilingual Generalist, Generalist, or English as a Second Language Generalist); grades 4 through 8 (with concentrations in English Language Arts & Reading, Mathematics, or Social Studies); grades 7 through 12 (in a variety of teaching fields), Early Childhood through grade 12 certification in Art, Music, Spanish, and Theatre Arts, as well as supplemental certification in Special Education. Certification requirements vary for each level and field of concentration. Students should select courses for certification programs only after consultation with assigned advisors in the School of Education and Human Services. Students must file a degree plan in the School of Education and Human Services no later than the end of the sophomore year.

Admission to Teacher Education Requirements

After the first 60 credit hours of study, students desiring to pursue teacher certification must apply for admission to the Teacher Education Program. Application forms are available in the School of Education and Human Services office and should be completed and returned no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of the fall semester.

Before admission, students must a) submit a completed application for admission to Teacher Education; b) have a grade point of at least 2.75 in the last 60 credit hours; and c) possess the personal and professional qualities necessary for success as a classroom teacher, evidenced by three reference forms. Once all admission materials are received, candidates for the program receive notification from the Dean or Director of the Undergraduate Teacher Education Program stating approval, disapproval, or approval with conditions for probationary admission to Teacher Education. Once students have met admission they can take up to 13-credit hours of teacher education courses. When they have reached the 13-credit hour limit progress and GPA will be reviewed to determine continuance in the program.

Full Admission to the Teacher Education Requirements

Candidates must fulfill the following requirements for full program admission:

  • Cumulative minimum undergraduate UST G.P.A. of 2.75
  • Evidence of completed field experiences on file
  • Positive recommendation from teacher education advisor
  • Approval by teacher education faculty

The admission process assures both the candidate and the University that the applicant possesses the dispositions necessary for success in a program of professional preparation.

Once students are fully admitted to the School of Education and Human Services, a grade point average of a minimum of 2.5 is required in the teaching fields or areas of specialized coursework, and in the overall grade point average. In addition, professional qualities and a personal commitment necessary for success designed to develop master classroom teachers must be exhibited each semester to continue in the program.

Field Experiences Required Prior to Student Teaching

In addition to student teaching, students participate in a variety of field experiences to become classroom ready. Many of these field experiences are part of professional education courses. Thus, with their link to the professional education courses, field experiences are ongoing throughout coursework leading up to student teaching. During fieldwork students are provided the opportunity to experience classroom instruction at various grade levels and in a variety of educational settings.

The focus of field experiences is on active learning and is skill specific. Students in a variety of classroom settings observe classroom practices, and they work with students individually and in small groups.

Students are required to participate in a minimum of 30 hours of professional field experience in public, charter, and private school settings, prior to clinical teaching. The state requires that 15 hours of professional field experiences are in observation, while the other 15 are interactive hours spent in a TEA designated classroom. Students are also expected to complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service and to participate in a minimum of 20 hours of professional development activities. Professional development includes attendance at education workshops and participation in UST student education organizations. There are several ways that students develop reflective practitioner skills from their field experiences. First, field experiences are shared and discussed in professional education courses. Also, after each field experience students are required to document hours and reflect on their experiences. A form is provided for this purpose. These completed forms are submitted to the Director of Field Experiences or the Administrative Assistant for Field Experiences. Completed forms are carefully reviewed and approved. If a problem or concern is identified with a completed form, the Director of Field Experiences contacts the student’s advisor to help with corrective action.

Note: Before participating in field experiences, students are required to pass a criminal background check.

Requirements for Admission to Clinical Teaching

After full admission to Teacher Education and successful completion of certain required courses in the professional development sequence, candidates for certification must apply for admission to clinical teaching. Application forms are accessed through a link that is given to students by the Director of Field Experiences and returned no later than midpoint of the semester prior to the semester planned for clinical teaching. Professional education coursework must have been completed within the past ten years.

Applications for clinical teaching are reviewed and recommended based on the following criteria: a) admission to Teacher Education; b) pre–student teaching professional education course requirements (EDUC 3304, 3306 (for EC–6 candidates), 3339, and 4338) met with a grade point average of at least 2.5. c) a grade point average of at least a 2.5 or better in all teaching fields or areas of specialization; d) an overall grade point average of at least 2.5; e) pre–student teaching field experience requirements met; and f) the professional qualities and personal commitment necessary for success designed to develop master classroom teachers. During clinical teaching, cooperating teachers and field supervisors continuously evaluate students and prepare reports on the progress of each student 3 times within the clinical teaching experience, as designated by TEA policy.

State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) Teacher Certification Requirements

To enter into the teaching profession, students must take the related Texas Examinations for Educator Standards (TExES) required by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC). Students seeking certification in Spanish must take the appropriate Languages Other than English (LOTE) exam. Students seeking bilingual certification must take the Bilingual Target Language Proficiency Test (BTLPT) in addition to other tests required for certification. The Certification Officer approves all applications for TExES leading to initial certification.

Recommended for Certification

The Certification Officer recommends certification only after a student has met all certification requirements, including a) completion of a bachelor’s degree; b) completion of Early Childhood through grade 6 (EC–grade 6), Grades 4 through 8, Grades 7 through 12, Early childhood through grade 12 programs; and c) passing scores on all required TExES and/or the BTLPT.

In accordance with Article 6252–12c, Texas Civil Statutes, the Commissioner of Education may refuse to issue a teaching certificate for persons convicted of a felony or misdemeanor crimes that directly relate to the duties and responsibilities of the teaching profession. Applicants for Texas Certificates will be screened for a record of felony or misdemeanor convictions through the Texas Department of Public Safety. Potential applicants may wish to contact the Certification Officer regarding concerns about this Texas requirement.

Course Options for Students Not Admitted to Teacher Education

The following course may be taken as an elective by students who are not pursuing teaching certification in their undergraduate program and have not been admitted to teacher education:

  • EDUC 3307 Investigating Critical Issues in Education

The following courses may be taken as electives by students who are not pursuing teaching certification in their undergraduate program. students registering for these classes must meet the admission criteria for teacher education and be approved for enrollment by the associate dean of undergraduate teacher education:

  • EDUC 3304 Introduction to Curriculum and Instruction
  • EDUC 3306 Early Childhood through Elementary Age Learning
  • BIE_DL 4330 Foundations and Methods of Second Language
  • MS 4338 Adolescent Learning
  • RDGED 3304 Teaching Reading through Children’s Literature
  • SPED 4320 Exceptionality in Today’s Schools