

MLMUS 5106: University Singers

A group of singers who perform music of many styles and periods. Open to all members of the University community with permission of faculty member.

MLMUS 5107: Chamber Music

Performance of instrumental duos, trios, quartets, etc., from the classic period to the present. Open to all members of the University community with permission of the faculty member.

MLMUS 5108: Wind Ensemble

An ensemble of wind, brass and percussion instruments that performs music from the 18th century to the present.

MLMUS 5109: Opera and Musical Theater Workshop

This workshop is designed for students to explore and perform a varied repertoire from opera and musical theater in fully-staged productions. Open to all members of the University community with permission of faculty member.

MLMUS 5120: Orchestra

An ensemble of strings, winds, and percussion that performs music from the Baroque period to the present. Open to all members of the university community with permission of the music director.

MLMUS 5303: Chant

A study and practice of chant. An historical survey of Gregorian chant and its place in the liturgy. Latin chant and chant in other languages.

MLMUS 5307: Sacred Music Seminar II

An examination of the beginnings of Church hymnody, the Western sacred vocal repertoire of French and Italian composers of the Romantic period, and British and American 20th and 21st century sacred music, including the African-American spiritual and Gospel repertoire.

MLMUS 5311: Diction

A study of English, Latin, French, German, Italian and Spanish pronunciation. Presenting texts through music that are comprehensible for the worshiper.

MLMUS 5312: Conducting

The director's role in presenting liturgical choral music, including rehearsal techniques, diction, balance, phrasing, interpretation and working with instruments.

MLMUS 5335: Orchestral Conducting

Study of the director’s role relative to instrumental music, including rehearsal techniques, auditions, tone, balance, articulation, phrasing and interpretation. Practical experience in rehearsing an orchestral, ensemble. Selection of appropriate literature.

MLMUS 5336: Choral Conducting

Study of the director’s role relative to choral music, including rehearsal techniques, auditions, tone, balance, diction, phrasing and interpretation. Practical experience in rehearsing choral, ensemble. Selection of appropriate literature.

MLMUS 5351: Art Song

A historical survey of the art song, Leider, chanson and vocal chamber music repertoire from the Baroque period to the present.

MLMUS 6392: D.R./Indep Study

Student research on a selected problem in the field pursued under the guidance of an assigned member of the faculty.