FC 5322: Family Today

Course Department
Credits 3
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Course Component
This course will include an overview of the available research and current statistics on marriage and family in today’s world. Sources will be varied and will include both ecclesial and secular sources. The latest statistics on cohabitation, out of wedlock births, and civil (vs) sacramental marriages will be covered. Given the number of growing population of immigrants from Mexico, Latin America and Africa, their influence will be addressed. Other topics to be addressed will be the changing societal trends that impact the Church’s ministry to families, such as: What are the pressing issues for the variety of structures/forms of marriage and family life? What are the special needs of the most vulnerable populations, e.g. the economically deprived, the elderly, the sick, those with no extended family or community support? In addition, the increase of childless marriages and the decreasing focus on children will be discussed in depth; abortion is only one of the multiple effects of a culture that overlooks the role and importance of new life in building a healthy society.
Course Component