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YPP 4102: Colloquium I

This colloquium continues the case study and theological reflection methodology and process explored in "Introduction to Theological Studies." It will build on current education and pastoral experience as well as current academic and formational work.
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YPP 4301: Introduction to Theological Studies

An introduction to the field of pastoral theology. Explores models, insights & skills to facilitate the crucial conversation between the Catholic faith tradition & the social, cultural & ecclesial contexts of pastoral ministry. Exploration of key issues & pressing questions. Introduction to sources. Consideration of the qualities of the Christian minister & the formation of mature, Christian adults who are responsive, responsible & creative participants in their faith tradition & in society.
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YPP 5101: Theological Reflection I

The emphasis of this course will be on the development of a method of theological reflection appropriate to pastoral ministry. Consideration of a case study will provide students with an opportunity to explore the theological method developed in the course.
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YPP 5102: Pastoral Practicum - Priest as Servant of All

This course, in conjunction with the student's parish assignment, will explore the nature of priesthood. The basis for the exploration is rooted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1547, which states that " ... the ministerial priesthood is at the service of the common priesthood" and " .. . is directed at the unfolding of the baptismal grace of all Christians." The student will reflect upon his experience of parish ministry with a particular focus on the role of pastor within the community of faith.
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YPP 5103: Pastoral Practicum - Pastoral Charity

In conjunction with the student's parish assignment, course will be centered on the life of the priest as inherently marked by pastoral charity. 'The ministry of the priest, precisely because of its participation in the saving ministry of Jesus Christ the head and shepherd, cannot fail to express and live out his pastoral charity which is both the source and spirit of his service and gift of self." (POV 24) Engaged in apostolic works ordered to the marginalized, student will reflect on the pastor's role in guiding community response.
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YPP 5301: Introduction to Theological Studies

This course is an introduction and historical survey of the diverse theological methods that have been employed in the Catholic theological tradition. The emphasis of the course will be on the development of a method of theological reflection appropriate to pastoral ministry. The extended consideration of a case study will provide students with an opportunity to explore the theological method being developed in the course.
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YPP 5318: Pastoral Theology I

This course covers practical and theological topics for future pastors, including current resources, major pastoral challenges, boundaries and special settings such as prisons and hospitals. The course will examine the pastoral shift from Vatican Council I to Vatican II designing a new pastoral methodology. Topics to be covered include: Historical development of pastoral theology, Theological Criteria for Pastoral Planning, Dimensions of Pastoral Planning, Elements of Pastoral Counselling/Reconciliation, Pastoral Sensitivity in Ministry, The Effects of Joy in Ministry, Forming Missionary Disciples, Challenges in Pastoral Ministry, Relationships in Ministry, Pastoral Charity and New Evangelization.
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YPP 5318: Pastoral Theology II

This course addresses issues of need in the pastoral realm with directives as to the shepherding tasks of the parish priest together with a description of the necessary skills. This part II of Pastoral Theology will focus more on the concrete pastoral situations. Therefore, this course will explore with practical examples the basic difference between Parish Council and Parish Pastoral Council, management skills, team management, servant leadership, spirituality of stewardship and volunteerism, pastoral communication, Responsible Parenthood, spiritual and pastoral care to those experiencing learning differences, those having to deal with difficult people, and those going through the experiences of abortion, incest, rape, human trafficking, divorce, and other experiences that they find difficult or trying.
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YPP 6102: Colloquium I

The colloquium continues the case study and theological reflection methodology explored in Introduction to Theological Studies. It will build on current field education and pastoral experiences as well as current academic and formation work.
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YPP 6103: Theological Reflection II

This course continues the case study and theological reflection methodology introduced in Theological Reflection I. It will build on field education and pastoral experiences as well as academic and formation work.
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YPP 6104: Pastoral Practicum - Catechetical Methodology

This course, in conjunction with the student's parish assignment, will focus on the pastor's role in ensuring the catechetical formation of the parish, with particular emphasis on the methodologies available to ensure adequate instruction in the faith. Engaged in the catechetical program for children in his parish assignment, the student will reflect upon the shape and nature of initial faith formation of children and their preparation for the sacraments of initiation.
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YPP 6105: Pastoral Practicum - Catechetical Methodology II

A continuation of Pastoral Practicum - Catechetical Methodology, this course will offer the student the opportunity to reflect upon and evaluate the program in which they teach. Using the National Directory for Catechesis, the course's emphasis will be upon assessing the methods and success of the parish's program.
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YPP 6205: Pastoral Theology

This course covers practical and theological topics for future pastors, including current resources, major pastoral challenges, boundaries and special settings such as prisons and hospitals. Topics to be covered include: Historical development of pastoral theology, Theological Criteria for Pastoral Planning, Dimensions of Pastoral Planning, Elements of Pastoral Counseling/Reconciliation, Pastoral Sensitivity in Ministry, The Effects of Joy in Ministry, Forming Missionary Disciples, Challenges in Pastoral Ministry.
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YPP 6304: Introduction to Pastoral Care

This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of pastoral counseling. The following topics will be included: theories, types and methods of pastoral counseling and topics regarding specific problem areas. The format includes discussion, presentation and review of counseling interviews.
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YPP 7103: Pastoral Practicum - Nourishing the Faithful

Building on the previous year's study of catechetics, this course will widen the focus of faith formation to the entire community. It will provide an overview of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, ongoing faith formation and models of equipping the laity " ... to serve God by a vital participation in the holy liturgy of the Church and to exercise their baptismal priesthood by the witness of holy lives and practical charity." (CCC 1273) The student will participate in various aspects of the parish's ongoing faith formation.
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YPP 7104: Pastoral Practicum - Nourishing the Faithful II

A continuation of Pastoral Practicum - Nourishing the Faithful, this course will offer the student the opportunity to reflect upon and evaluate the programs offered in his parish assignment. Using the National Directory for Catechesis, the course's emphasis will be upon assessing the methods and success of the parish's program.
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YPP 7305: Pastoral Theology II

This course addresses issues of need in the pastoral realm and shepherding tasks of the parish priest. This part II of Pastoral Theology will focus more on concrete pastoral situations. Course will explore with practical examples the basic difference between Parish Council and Parish Pastoral Council, management skills, team management, servant leadership, spirituality of stewardship and volunteerism, pastoral communication, spiritual and pastoral care of those experiencing difficult or trying circumstances.
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YPP 8101: Pastoral Practicum - Priest as Administrator

This course is rooted in the Code of Canon Law # 519 regarding the role of the pastor. The student will explore the pastor's role and the cultivation of the laity to exercise, with him, the administration of the local community. A case study of the student's assigned parish will synthesize the learning.
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YPP 8201: Pastoral Theology & Administration

Pastoral Theology and Administration: This course aims to give the student a general overview of parish pastoral theology and administration as they are about to enter parish life as a priest. This course will emphasize the link between Christian theology as religious truth in relationship to the spiritual needs of parishioners and the aspects of parish management and administration. This course is limited to Seminarians seeking ordination as Priests of the Roman Catholic Church.
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YPP 8203: Parish Management

Parish Management and Administration aims to give the student a general overview of the management and administrative skills they will need to run a parish. This course will cover all aspects of parish accounting, human resources and staffing at the parish level, conflict resolution, long range/short range/short range planning as well as the undertaking of capital improvements and campaigns. This course is only open to Seminarians seeking ordination as Priests of the Roman Catholic Church.
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YPP 8205: Ecumenism & Missiology

Ecumenism & Missiology: A study of the binding nature and purpose of ecumenism as based upon Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism, and the Church's developing doctrine, within the guiding concept of communio in current ecumenical dialogue. The missiology portion of the course will consider the Church’s mission, its purpose and implementation, based upon the key and relevant ecclesial documents.
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YPP 8207: Parish Liturgical Music

Course begins with a survey of the history of sacred music, from early practices of chanted psalmody to its manifold expressions in the present-day Church. Particularly, the history and development of Gregorian chant and sacred hymnody will be presented along with related Church documents. Successful implementation of sacred music in a variety of parish settings will be a foundation for discussion.
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YPP 8303: Parish Management

Parish Management and Administration aims to give the student a general overview of the management and administrative skills they will need to run a parish. This course will cover all aspects of parish accounting, human resources and staffing at the parish level, conflict resolution, long range/short range planning as well as the undertaking of capital improvements and campaigns. This course is only open to seminarians seeking ordination as Priests of the Roman Catholic Church.
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YPP 8304: Integrative Seminar

The Integrative Seminar course is the Master of Divinity’s formal exit course. Its aim is to help students achieve an integration of theological study and pastoral practice. Students will reflect creatively as a knowledgeable pastoral minister, and articulate their own operative theology of ministry in preparation for presbyteral ordination. The primary emphasis of the course is the continuing development of methods for theological reflection appropriate to pastoral ministry, and the desire to bring this theological reflection into serious engagement with the social, cultural, and pastoral context of ministerial life through the use of the tools of hermeneutical and exegetical study. This methodology will also be used to assess the level of the student’s theological integration.
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YPP 8307: Ecumenism & Missiology

A study of the binding nature and purpose of ecumenism as based upon Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism, and the Church's developing doctrine, within the guiding concept of communio in current ecumenical dialogue. The missiology portion of the course will consider the Church’s mission, its purpose and implementation, based upon the key and relevant ecclesial documents.
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YPP 9304: Advanced Pastoral Counseling

This is an advanced course in pastoral care including, but not limited to, an emphasis on the self-care of the minister and prevention of burnout. Other foci include the awareness and recognition of common psychiatric disorders including issues of abuse and addiction, a review of counseling techniques including the application of mid-level individual, marriage and family therapy incorporating multiculturalism. Case studies and application of therapy techniques will be incorporated into the various areas of study. Prerequisites: YPP/YLPP 6304 / CG 6308 or permission of instructor.
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YPP 9307: Faith & Dominant American Culture

This course seeks to develop an appreciation of the strengths and challenges of the dominant American way of life: its vision, its values, representative character types in situations, codes of behavior and symbols in relation to a Catholic Christian worldview. Students will employ a reflective process to understand the implications of the inculturation of the Gospel in the American cultural context and the implications of living life in the Spirit. Introduction to Pastoral Studies or one of the Scripture courses is recommended prior to taking this course.
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YPP 9325: Hispanic Faith and Culture in the American Context

This course will focus on the increasing impact that Hispanic/Latino cultures and spiritually are having on US society. In the 2010 census, Hispanics now constitute 38% of the Texas population. In contrast to the typical rendering of the United States and the spread of European-American culture as an east to west wave from the 1600s to the present, this course will suggest the implications of the simultaneous spread of Latin American culture in its diverse forms, as a south to north wave from 1942 to the present. In particular, we will focus on the roots on the Latino spiritual imagination both in Latin American theology and popular religion and explore how this understanding of God, the person in community, and the world is renewing the communitarian dimension of both US politics and US Catholicism. In addition to considering the growing impact of Hispanic/Latino cultures on US politics and public policy, the course will explore the challenges of bridging multiple cultures in parishes and transforming educational practices to manifest this ethos of "crossing borders."
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YPP 9334: The Church and Popular Piety

A study of the important role of litugical and popular piety in the life of the Church using the 2001 Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy promulgated by the Congregation for the DIvine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments as our guide. We will study the many and various rituals which continue to color life of any local church.
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YPP 9337: Liturgical Music

This course will explore the historical development of Sacred Music in the Catholic Tradition, as well as take an in-depth look at the documents of the Church pertaining to music in the liturgy. Additionally, students will learn basic chanting skills, the musical modes of Gregorian chant, and focus on the music in the liturgical books of the Church. The course is designed to foster appreciation for sacred music and its sacramental nature, so it might truly fulfill its purpose of the glorification of God and sanctification of the faithful, by deepening participation in the liturgy and the encounter with Christ.
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