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YMD-Systematic Doctrine


YMD 5303: Revelation and Faith

This course explores the possibility and fact of revelation in Israel and Christ, its mediation in Scripture (inspiration, inerrancy, canonicity, and exegesis) and tradition, its reception in faith and expression in doctrine, faith and reason, the method and tasks of theology, and the role and importance of religious experience and of the teaching office of the Church.
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YMD 6201: Mariology and Popular Piety

An investigation of the Church's Marian doctrine revealed in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, taught by the authoritative Magisterium, given expression by the sense of the faithful, and treated in ecumenical dialogue. To study those diverse cultic expressions which in the context of the Church's faith are inspired not primarily by the Sacred Liturgy but by forms deriving from a particular culture of form of popular devotion.
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YMD 6301: Doctrine of God

This course explores the revelation of God in Israel and in Christ, the formation of the Church’s doctrinal and theological tradition, the relationship between revealed and philosophical knowledge of God, and theological approaches to the mystery of the Triune God and the missions of the Incarnate Word and the Holy Spirit. Prerequisite: Revelation and Faith
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YMD 6302: Christology

This course explores the person and work of Jesus Christ as revealed in Scripture and received in the Church, the formation of the Church’s doctrinal and theological tradition, the questions raised by contemporary methods of biblical study, and theological approaches to the mystery of Christ’s person and his place in the economy of salvation. Prerequisite: Revelation and Faith.
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YMD 6401: Triune God

This course will explore the God of Judeo-Christian revelation, the conomic and immanent Trinity, with particular consideration of the predicament of atheism, trace the development of Trinitarian theology and provide an evaluation of contemporary models. Examine the person of Jesus Christ and His mission of salvation as understood in the Chruch's tradition.
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YMD 7301: Theological Anthropology

Theological Anthropology examines the Christian understanding of the human person before God by reflecting on the doctrines of creation, sin, grace, liberation and hope. This course will provide a study of the human person in the light of Christian revelation as created in the image of God, fallen through original sin and restored in Christ through grace. The course will offer a systematic discussion of grace, justification, good works and merit in the history of theology with an orientation to contemporary ecumenical dialogue.
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YMD 7302: Ecclesiology

This course explores the mystery of the Church as prefigured in Israel and constituted in the ministry of Christ, the historical development of the Church’s order and self-understanding, the ecclesiological doctrine of Vatican II, ecumenism and the quest for full Christian unity, the mission of the Church in the contemporary world, and the significance of Mary as symbol, mother, and model of the Church. Prerequisite: Revelation and Faith.
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YMD 8308: Mary & Popular Piety

The first part of Mary & Popular Piety is an investigation of the Church's Marian doctrine in an attempt at synthesis founded on the analysis of the elements furnished by the Sacred Scripture and Tradition regarding the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church. A study of Mary's cooperation in the establishment of the Covenant; the truth of her perpetual virginity as inseparable from her divine motherhood; her collaboration in the order of grace; her Immaculate Conception and Assumption; and her place in ecumenical dialogue/ The second part of Mary and Popular Piety is designed to study the principles and guidelines for the celebration and evaluation of the various devotions and rituals which make up the popular piety of the many peoples of the Church and how these ritual celebrations harmonize with the liturgy of the Church. Basing our study on the principles and guidelines found in the Directory of Popular Piety and the Liturgy from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Disciples of the Sacraments, we will critique the rituals and devotions commonly found today, especially Marian devotion and Eucharistic Devotion.
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YMD 9309: Mary: The Woman in the Plan of Salvation

Investigation of the Church's Marian doctrine in an attempt at synthesis founded on the analysis of the elements furnished by the Scripture and Tradition regarding the Mother of Jesus and of the Church. A study of Mary's cooperation in the establishment of the Covenant; the truth of her virginity as inseparable from her divine motherhood; her collaboration in Christ's work of redemption; the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption; her role in the formation and development of the Church.
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