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YPC-Canon Law


YPC 6201: Introduction to Canon Law

The course is an introduction to the corpus of Church law as it exists today. The course will consider the role of law in the Church, summarize the history of Church law, examine principles of interpretation, and examine the Code of Canon Law, particularly Books I and II, and selectively examine Books V, VI, and VII. It will also note other important sources of law where appropriate. Students will be asked to apply the law to scenarios.
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YPC 6301: Introduction to Canon Law

The course is an introduction to the corpus of Church law as it exists today. The course will consider the role of law in the Church, summarize the history of Church law, examine principles of interpretation, and examine the Code of Canon Law, particularly Books I and II, and selectively examine Books V, VI, and VII. It will also note other important sources of law where appropriate. Students will be asked to apply the law to scenarios.
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YPC 7201: Introduction to Canon Law

The course is an introduction to the corpus of Church law as it exists today. The course will consider the role of law in the Church, summarize the history of Church law, examine principles of interpretation, and examine the Code of Canon Law, particularly Books I and II, and selectively examine Books V, VI, and VII. It will also note other important sources of law where appropriate. Students will be asked to apply the law to specific scenarios.
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YPC 7302: Canon Law of Marriage

The essentials of marriage itself, marriage preparation and paperwork, freedom to marry and the various types of nullity petitions will be covered (Code of Canon Law, Book IV: The Sanctifying Function of the Church, Marriage [canons 1055-1165] and Book VII: Processes). Lecture, case scenarios and practical applications to parish ministry will be presented.
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YPC 8202: Canon Law: The Teaching & Sanctifying Role of the Church

Book III (The Teaching Function of the Church) and Book IV (The Sanctifying Function of the Church) of the Code of Canon Law will be studied. Lecture and practical applications to parish ministry will be presented. Book III covers the Ministry of the Divine Word, the Missionary Action of the Church, Catholic Education, Instruments of Social Communication and Books, and the Profession of Faith. Book IV covers all the sacraments, other acts of divine worship, and sacred places and times. Marriage is covered separately in YPC 8204-Canon Law of Marriage.
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YPC 8301: Sacramental Canon Law

This course offers a critical study of the Teaching and Sanctifying Office of the Church (with the exclusion of the Sacrament of Marriage) as delineated by Books III and IV of the Code of Canon Law with a particular eye to the practical implications of these canons with regard to pastoral ministry. Students will be taught the technical aspects of the Code of Canon Law and then classroom discussion will be used to teach how the canons of the Code can be used resolved pastoral situations.
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YPC 9301: Declarations of Nullity

This is an introductory course in the types of declarations of nullity and dissolutions offered by the Catholic Church for divorced Catholics. It will review the theology of marriage and will cover the procedures for formal matrimonial cases as instructed in Dignitas Connubii as well as Ligamen (prior bond) and Lack of Form cases. Convalidations, sanatios, Privilege cases (dissolutions), and ratum et non consummatum cases will also be covered. A practicum in each area will be required. One should come to the class with a working knowledge of the Catholic Church's theology of marriage.
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