All students.
The University of St. Thomas (UST) acknowledges the value of what students have learned outside formalized collegiate study, including through work and military experiences. UST defines Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) as translating students’ prior education, career, or military experience into credit toward classes in their academic degree program at UST (In accordance with SACSCOC Standard 10.8, UST publishes policies for evaluating, awarding, and accepting
credit not originating from the institution. The institution ensures (a) the academic quality of any credit or coursework recorded on its transcript, (b) an approval process with oversight by persons academically qualified to make the necessary judgments, and (c) the credit awarded is comparable to a designated credit experience and is consistent with UST’s mission.).
Through its CPL program, UST grants university-level credit for the successful completion of one or more of the following, up to the maximum of credits accepted at UST:
- Credit by Examination/Standardized Exams
- Evaluation of Non-College Education and Training
- Discipline-Specific Challenge Exams
- Discipline-Specific Portfolio Assessment
Refer to UST Transfer Credit policy for graduate programs and for undergraduate programs for maximum accepted credit by transfer into UST degree programs.
Credit for prior learning will not satisfy the University’s residency requirement for a student’s degree program.
Students will not receive credit for prior learning and credit for equivalent UST courses, transfer courses, or any other source of equivalent credit. For example, a student who received credit for ACCT 1341—Principles of Accounting I through completion of the course at UST or transfer credit will not receive credit through a prior learning assessment for the same course (ACCT 1341).
A student seeking credit for prior learning within their chosen degree program at the University should consult with the Office of Academic Advising and/or the chair of the academic department offering the program to discuss the exact degree requirements.
The Procedures for determining and awarding Credit for Prior Learning are available at CM Browse Folders (
Credit by Examination/Standardized Exams
Please refer to Credit by Examination policy (A.02.01).
Evaluation of Non-College Education and Training
UST recognizes the value of learning that occurs in formal instructional programs offered by non-collegiate entities and informal experiences, such as voluntary work (for example, marketing work for a non-profit organization). When available, UST relies on the evaluation of such programs from reputed and established organizations (for example, the American Council on Education (ACE).
If such evaluation is unavailable, students should submit materials following the guidelines for Discipline Specific Portfolio Assessment; please see the section below.
Discipline-Specific Challenge Exams
Challenge exams are developed and administered by UST’s academic departments. Each department determines courses for which they would offer challenge exams. The cost is set by the Office of Academic Affairs in consultation with the Business Office and reviewed annually.
Discipline-Specific Portfolio Assessment
A student may prepare and present a portfolio of work reflecting the knowledge and skills gained outside of the classroom. Each department determines courses for which they would accept portfolios for assessment of prior learning. The portfolio will be evaluated by faculty or external subject matter experts, as determined by the department chair or program director, to assign credit for prior learning. The Office of Academic Affairs, in consultation with the Business Office, sets the cost for portfolio assessment, which is reviewed annually.
APPROVED: Dr. Richard Ludwick
Date of Original Formation: 04/05/2024
Revision Number:
Revision Date:
Effective Date: 12/20/2024