Bachelor's Core Curriculum

Core Curriculum: BS 66+ Hour Degrees, Honors Program

Academic Department

This core sequence is for students who are admitted into the Honors Program at UST and are enrolled in a BS degree track that is greater than 66 hours for the degree. This includes:

  1. All the engineering degree plans
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Computational Biology

All of these are externally accredited and thus have limited flexibility about their size.

Dual/transfer courses/test credits determine which core pathway the student should complete, count towards the overall credits necessary to graduate, and may count for specific courses in a major, minor, or pre-professional program. Transferred courses cannot substitute for core requirements established in a student's core pathway. However, incoming transfer students may apply one previously completed math/natural science course and one previously completed social/behavioral sciences course to satisfy core requirements.

Every student is required to complete at least 30 hours of core coursework, which must include one course from each of the following categories: humanities/fine arts, math/natural science, and social/behavioral sciences. Students should consult with an advisor to ensure core requirements are satisfied.

Enrollment begins with courses in section 1, but a student may start courses in section 2 or 3 as long as at least one course in section 1 is enrolled. Specific prerequisites are listed next to the courses.

Additional Flexibility

This pathway (unlike the other published pathways) does not recommend a particular timeline for core completion. In order to accommodate the scheduling exigencies of the Honors cohort, particularly for students selecting large majors, like Engineering, students enrolled in the honors program may delay taking the first four courses if they wish. They are also excused from taking the core sequences in order. That is, they may begin any sequence at any time, though they are advised to follow the sequences, as their schedule permits. Honors students must, nevertheless, take the required philosophy classes in order.

Requirements for Transfers w/o Natural Science/Math and/or Social/Behavioral Sciences

Students whose transfer credit or degree plan (major or minor) does not include at least three credits of Natural Science/Mathematics and/or Social/Behavioral Sciences are also required to take MATHC 2301 and POSCC 2301, respectively.

Item #
Sub-Total Credits


Item #
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits