Basilian Tradition

The Basilians at the University of St. Thomas, by their spirituality, philosophy of education and esprit de corps, promote a lively sense of the University’s mission as a Catholic institution. Among the distinctive characteristics of the Basilian approach to higher education are:

  • Recognition of the continuing significance of the Catholic intellectual tradition in shaping Western civilization;
  • Commitment to an integral Christian humanism that embraces the liberal arts as well as all other areas of knowledge;
  • Fidelity to the authoritative teaching of the Church;
  • Respect for the contribution of St. Thomas Aquinas to the Church’s intellectual life, especially to philosophy;
  • Healthy respect for the life of the mind, a passion for the discovery of truth in every area and a conviction that faith must begin and end in a knowledge that bears fruit in love; deep appreciation of human dignity that calls for the education of the whole person: physically, intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually;
  • Close association with and availability to students;
  • Genuine concern to assist students who are economically or otherwise disadvantaged;
  • Willingness to provide counseling and pastoral care, especially through sacramental celebration;
  • Collaborative spirit that gratefully recognizes that the University is a common intellectual venture of students, faculty, staff and administration as well as other supporters and friends;
  • Trust in God’s grace and a willingness to carry out whatever labors are required for the good of the University without seeking recognition. In all their endeavors, the Basilian Fathers seek to enrich the University of St. Thomas with their presence, their talents and their prayer.