Acceptable Use Policy for Technology Resources (G.06.01)


All Staff, Faculty and Students.


This policy constitutes a University-wide policy for the acceptable use of the University of St. Thomas technology resources. This policy reflects the ethical principles of the University community and indicates in general, what privileges and responsibilities are characteristic of the University technology environment. This policy is intended to be an addition to existing University rules and regulations and does not alter or modify any existing University rule or regulation.


All technology resources are intended to further the mission of the University and must be used in an ethical and responsible manner. Users are responsible for the care and security of all technological resources provided by the University.

Institutional Purposes

Authorized users may use the University technology resources to share information and knowledge in support of the University's mission of education, research and public service, to conduct the University's business and other University-sanctioned activities.

The University acknowledges that incidental and occasional personal use of University technology resources may occur. Such activity must not interfere with University operations, nor compromise the functioning of the University's technology resources, or interfere with the user's employment or other obligations to the University. Any such incidental and occasional use of University technology resources for personal purposes is subject to the provisions of this policy.

The University's technology resources are not to be used for personal financial gain or commercial use that is not directly related to University business. In addition, candidate or party fund-raising, and use by outside organizations not authorized to use University technology resources are prohibited. Authorization for other external uses of University technology resources requires written approval of the Vice President for Information Technology or designee. The University is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred by an individual as a result of personal use of University computing resources.

Users are responsible for using University technology resources in strict accordance with University policies and local, state, and federal laws. These laws cover such areas as illegal access to computer systems, networks, files, copyright, and harassment issues.


The user is responsible for correct and sufficient use of the tools available for maintaining the security, privacy and integrity of data. University personnel should exercise diligence in the physical security of all technological resources assigned to them.

Confidentiality and Privacy

The University reserves the right to access any University owned or administered technological resources and information contained within these resources.

The University regards information stored on computers as confidential. Requests for disclosure of information will be honored under any of the following conditions:

  1. authorization by the owner(s) of the information
  2. approval by the President
  3. requirement by local, state or federal law
  4. requirement by a valid subpoena or court order


Violation of this policy will subject users to existing University disciplinary procedures and may result in loss of technology privileges. Illegal acts involving University technology resources may also subject violators to prosecution by local, state, and/or federal authorities.


APPROVED: Dr. Robert Ivany
Date of Original Formation: 9/1/2010
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