Academic Dismissal (DEL)

Students who have manifested severe deficient performance may be dismissed from the University. Students who are on academic probation and earn less than a minimum 3.00 semester GPA will be dismissed from the University. During academic dismissal, students may not enroll, audit or visit classes at the University. Academic dismissal will be noted permanently on students’ academic records.

Students may also be dismissed if they are on probation and are unwilling to accept the conditions of their probation or do not conscientiously fulfill the conditions of their probation. On these matters the student’s academic advisor will makerecommendations to the dean or the Registrar.

Other reasons may justify dismissal, including academic dishonesty and violating certain norms of conduct expected of students. (See Student Handbook published by the Office of Student Affairs.)

A student who has been dismissed for academic reasons may apply for readmission to the University after one year. The dean of the student’s school will review readmission applications and sets the conditions for readmission. These may involve the student taking only prescribed courses or a limited load. In all cases the student will be readmitted on a conditional basis and on probation. The student’s academic advisor will monitor the student’s progress in meeting the conditions of readmission set by the Admissions Committee.